
Monday, August 30, 2010

Quick reference card for the Benedictine Office - Monday

Summary notes for use in conjunction with the 'How to Say the Office' series - page references are to the psalter section of the Farnborough Monastic Diurnal.

Monday Matins

Not found in the Diurnal, refer to the Monastic Breviary.

Monday Lauds

Note: on some feasts, the antiphons, chapter, hymn etc are specific to the feast and the festal psalms (under Sunday in the psalter) may be used – if so the page reference will be provided in the Ordo.

• Starts MD 58;
• Select either the ferial (MD 65) or the festal (MD 66) canticle depending on season or class of day;
• Collect of the previous Sunday or feast, see Ordo; if there is a commemoration (memorial), the relevant texts are said immediately after the collect of the day.

Monday Prime

• Starts MD 1;
• Select antiphon for the season (MD 2-3) or feast (first antiphon of Lauds if not otherwise specified).

Monday Terce

• Starts MD 163 (as per full version, MD 1);
• Antiphons, chapter and versicle for the season (MD 163, 166ff) or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Monday Sext

• Starts MD 169 (as per full version page 1);
• Antiphons, chapter and versicle for the season (MD 170, 173ff) or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Monday None

• Starts MD 176 (as per full version MD 1);
• Antiphons, chapter and versicle for the season (MD177, 180ff) or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Monday Vespers

Note: on some feasts and seasons, the antiphons, psalms, chapter, hymn etc are specific to the day – if so the Ordo will provide a page reference.

• Starts MD 211 (opening prayer as on MD 1);
• Antiphons for the season (MD 212) or day (see Ordo);
• Text of the Magnificat MD 209-10;
• Concluding prayers MD 210-11 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the Sunday (or feast) - see Ordo.

Monday Compline

• Starts MD 257;
• Choose the Marian antiphon to conclude according to the season; throughout the year it is Salve Regina, MD 268.


  1. May the good Lord bless you abundantly, amica mia. Father Benedict is certainly smiling. Thanks!

  2. Wow. This is fantastic!

    Thanks Terra :)

  3. Just keep in mind that this needs to be used in conjunction wiht the how to say the Office series - you need, for example, to read up on how to make a commemoration, or how the Office of Our Lady on Saturday works.

    And please do post your questins as you work through that series!

  4. can anyone tell me where I can obtain a monastic breviary with matins in it english/latin
    Henry logan?

  5. Sorry Henry it doesn't as far as I know exist, at least in full form.

    You can buy a Latin only 2 vol breviary second hand, or an English only Anglican version.

    I've heard rumours though that the monks of Clear Creek have produced at least a partial Matins book, so you might try contacting them....

  6. Hi Tera,
    this site is just Awesome, you are so blessed and the insights and help you have given is the best.
    May God richly bless you for this work of love to enable us all to partake in this rich spiritual work of God.
    It would be great if ONE DAY there was a "downloadable" version for us all.
    Blessings to you

  7. William - Thanks for you kind comments. You can download PDFs these cheat sheets (and the Ordo) by going to the yahoo group called BenOfficeHelp:
