
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quick Reference Sheet for the Traditional Benedictine Office - Saturday

Summary notes for use in conjunction with the 'How to Say the Office' series - page references are to the psalter section of the Farnborough Monastic Diurnal.


Saturday Lauds
  • Opening prayers and Psalm 66 as for Monday, MD 58-59;
  • Then go to MD 133; use festal canticle (MD 138);
  • Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and Benedictus antiphon for Our Lady from MD (130) for throughout the year, or as per the season;
  • Benedictus from the card, or MD 73;
  • Concluding prayers as for Monday, MD 75;
  • Collect for Our Lady on Saturday (MD (131) or as per season), see Ordo; if there is a commemoration (memorial), the relevant texts are said immediately after the collect of the day.

Saturday Prime

• Opening prayer and hymn, MD 1-2;
• Antiphon (before and after psalms) for Our Lady on Saturday (MD (131) or for the season);
• Psalms MD 32-37;
• Chapter, versicle and concluding prayers MD 7-9.
Saturday Terce

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Nunc Sancte MD 183;
• Starts MD 183 (opening prayer as per MD 1);
• Antiphon of Our Lady on Saturday (MD (132) or for the season);
• Psalms MD 184-186;
• Chapter and versicle of Our Lady on Saturday (MD (132) or season);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of Office of Our Lady on Saturday.
Saturday Sext

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rector potens MD 190;
• Antiphon of Our Lady on Saturday (MD (132) or season);
• Psalms MD 191-193;
• Chapter and versicle of Our Lady on Saturday (MD (132) or season);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of Our Lady on Saturday.

Saturday None

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rerum Deus, MD 196-7;
• Antiphon (said before and after psalms) of Our Lady on Saturday (MD (132) or as per season);
• Psalms MD 198-199;
• Chapter and versicle of Our Lady on Saturday (MD 132-133 or as per season);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of Our Lady on Saturday.

I Vespers of Sunday (Saturday Vespers) – Evening prayer

Note: on some Sundays and feasts, the antiphons, psalms, chapter, hymn etc may be specific to the feast – see Ordo.

• Starts MD 249;
• Antiphon for the Magnificat (MD 209) is particular to the day, for the correct page number see the Ordo;
• Magnificat MD 209-210 or from card;
• Concluding prayers MD 210 (from Kyrie) or MD 255-256;
• Collect of the following Sunday (or feast), see Ordo.

Saturday (and every day) Compline (before sleeping)

• Starts MD 257;
• Choose the Marian antiphon to conclude according to the season (throughout the year it is Salve Regina, MD 268).


Saturday Lauds

Note: On some feasts, the festal psalms (under Sunday in the psalter) may be used – see Ordo.

• Opening prayers and Psalm 66 as for Monday, MD 58-59;
• Then go to MD 133; use festal (MD 138) canticle;
• Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and Benedictus antiphon from MD (130) for the feast, Common, day or season, as per Ordo;
• Benedictus from the card, or MD 73;
• Concluding prayers as for Monday, MD 75;
• Collect of the feast, see Ordo; if there is a commemoration (memorial), the relevant texts are said immediately after the collect of the day.

Saturday Prime

• Opening prayer and hymn, MD 1-2;
• Antiphon of the season (MD 31), day, or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 32-37;
• Chapter, versicle and concluding prayers MD 7-9.

Saturday Terce

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Nunc Sancte MD 183;
• Starts MD 183 (opening prayer as per MD 1);
• Select antiphon (said before and after psalms) for the season (MD 184), day or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 184-186;
• Chapter and versicle of season, MD 186ff, or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect for the day (see Ordo).

Saturday Sext

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rector potens MD 190;
• Select antiphon for the season (MD 190-191), day or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 191-193;
• Chapter and versicle of season, MD 193ff, day or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect for the day (see Ordo).

Saturday None

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rerum Deus, MD 196-7;
• Select antiphon (said before and after psalms) for the season (MD 197), day or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 198-199;
• Chapter and versicle of season (MD 200ff), day or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect for the day.

I Vespers of Sunday (Saturday Vespers) – Evening prayer
Note: Feasts, the psalms may be specific to the feast – see Ordo.

• Starts MD 249;
• Antiphon for the Magnificat (MD 209) is particular to the day, for the correct page number see the Ordo;
• Magnificat MD 209-210 or from card;
• Concluding prayers MD 210 (from Kyrie) or MD 255-256;
• Collect of the following Sunday (or feast), see Ordo.

Saturday (and every day) Compline (before sleeping)

• Starts MD 257;
• Choose the Marian antiphon to conclude according to the season (throughout the year it is Salve Regina, MD 268)

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