
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick Reference Sheet for Benedictine traditional Office - Wednesday

Summary notes for use as a supplement to the 'How to Say the Office' series - page references are to the psalter section of the Farnborough Monastic Diurnal.

Wednesday Lauds

Note: on some feasts, the antiphons, chapter, hymn etc are specific to the feast and the festal psalms (under Sunday in the psalter) may be used – see Ordo.

• Opening prayers and Psalm 66 as for Monday, MD 58-59;
• Then go to MD 89ff;
• Select either the ferial (MD 94) or the festal ( MD 96) canticle depending on season or class of day;
• Benedictus from the card, or MD 73;
• Concluding prayers as for Monday, MD 75;
• Collect of the previous Sunday or feast, see Ordo; if there is a commemoration (memorial), the relevant texts are said immediately after the collect of the day.

Wednesday Prime

• Opening prayer and hymn, MD 1-2;
• Antiphon (said before and after the psalms) of the season (MD 15), day or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 16-20;
• Chapter, versicle and concluding prayers MD 7-9.

Wednesday Terce

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Nunc Sancte MD 183;
• Select antiphon (said before and after psalms) for the season, MD 184, or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 184-186;
• Chapter and versicle of season, MD186ff, or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Wednesday Sext

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rector potens MD 190;
• Select antiphon (said before and after psalms) for the season, MD 190-191, or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 191-193;
• Chapter and versicle of season, MD 193ff, or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Wednesday None

• Opening prayer (Deus…) as per MD 1;
• Hymn Rerum Deus, MD 196-197;
• Select antiphon (said before and after psalms) for the season, MD 197, or feast (see Ordo);
• Psalms MD 198-199;
• Chapter and versicle of season, MD 200ff or feast (see Ordo);
• Closing prayers as at MD 154 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the week (from the Sunday) or day (see Ordo).

Wednesday Vespers

Note: on some feasts and seasons, the antiphons, psalms, chapter, hymn etc are specific to the day – see Ordo.

• Starts MD 226 (opening prayer as on MD 1);
• Antiphons for the season, MD 226, or day (see Ordo);
• Magnificat MD 209-210;
• Concluding prayers MD 210-211 (from Kyrie);
• Collect of the Sunday (or feast) - see Ordo.


• Starts MD 257;
• Choose the Marian antiphon to conclude according to the season (throughout the year it is Salve Regina, page 268).


  1. I just finished reading "How to say the office." I am new to the MD, but have been praying LOH privately since Thanksgiving of last year. Your site has been very helpful for me since there is no "guide" similar to the St Joseph LOH Guide. I was praying the four volume LOH, and it is much easier to follow since there are the four volumes and they are able to print out all of the prayers without jumping about. I have read on the blog here that you are considering cards. That would be a big help.

    Blessings to all.

  2. The cards I was talking about are what is set out here on a print it yourself basis, but I'm open to suggestions on what more is needed.

    I am thinking again about editing it all into a form that could be printed and purchased through lulu or something, but its a matter of getting enough time and a few other obstacles amongst other things.

    In the meantime, can someone point me to a sample page for the St Joseph's guide, or describe in more detail what it contains? I'm getting curious!
