
Thursday, March 29, 2012

From the martyrology: St Eustasius, March 29

a c7th document from Luxeuil
From the martyrology:

"In the monastery of Luxeuil, the death of Abbot St. Eustasius, a disciple of St. Columban, who had under his guidance nearly six hundred monks.  Eminent in sanctity, he was also renowned for miracles."

Saint Eustace of Luxeuil (c560? - 629), also known as Eustasius, was the second abbot of Luxeuil from 611. He succeeded after his teacher Saint Columbanus, to whom he had been a favourite disciple and monk, was exiled by Theuderic II. He had been the head of the monastic school.

Luxeuil represents the Irish school of monasticism that was increasingly adopted in Gaul during this period, but whose extreme asceticism was rapidly softened by the adoption of much of the Benedictine Rule.

During his abbacy, the monastery contained about 600 monks, and practised the 'laus perennis', with successive choirs ensuring that the Office was continually celebrated.   The monastery as a well-known seminary that produced both bishops and saints.

St Eustace was noted for his humility, continual prayer, and fasting. During his administration, as well as during the rule of his successor Saint Waldebert, Luxeuil acquired a high reputation for learning.

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