
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SS Perpetua and Felicity, Memorial; St Conan (March 6)

From the martyrology:

"SS Perpetua and Felicity, who on the day following this, received from  the Lord the glorious crown of martyrdom."

Tomorrow's entry adds:

"At Carthage, the birthday of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs.  St. Augustine relates that Felicity being with child, her execution was deferred , according to the law, until after her delivery.  He states that while she was in labour, she mourned, and when cast to the beasts, she rejoiced.  With them suffered Satyrus, Saturninus, Revocatus, and Secundulus, the last of whom died in prison; the others were delivered to the beasts, all during the reign of Severus.  The feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicity was celebrated yesterday."

St Perpetua's autobiographical account of the events leading up to their martyrdom, completed by friends, was one of the most widely read documents in the early Church. You can read more about them, including some extracts from the work here.

Also on this day:

"In Cyprus, in the time of Emperor Decius, St. Conon, martyr.  He was compelled to run before a chariot, with his feet pierced with nails, and falling to his knees, he died in prayer."

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