
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Octave Day of Easter (April 15)/Second Sunday of Easter (OF)

This Sunday has acquired various titles down the centuries, including (but not limited to!):
  • Dominica in Albis, of White Sunday,  reflecting the day on which the newly baptised members of the Church put aside the white garments traditionally received at their baptism;
  • Low Sunday, in contrast to the previous 'High' Sunday;
  • Quasi modo Sunday, for the opening words of the Introit of the Mass (as newborn babes....);
  • St Thomas Sunday, for the Gospel (in both the EF and OF, St John 20:19-31), which tells the story of St Thomas' doubts and Our Lord's response;
  • Second Sunday of Easter (Novus Ordo);
  • Divine Mercy Sunday.
The Office from this week follows the Ordinary of Eastertide/Paschaltide:
  •  at Lauds there only three antiphons, as the first three psalms are said under one antiphon of alleluias;
  • at Vespers the psalms are said under one antiphon;
  • at all the day hours there is a chapter, hymns, responsory/versicle etc of the season.
There are also proper antiphons for the Benedictus and Magnificat canticles at Lauds and Vespers each day.

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