
Monday, October 1, 2012

St Remigius (EF); St Terese of the Child Jesus (OF), Oct 1

St Remigius (437-533) baptised King Clovis, resulting in the conversion of the Franks to Christ.  From the martyrology:

"At Rheims, in France, St. Remigius, bishop confessor, who converted the Franks to Christ, regenerated Clovis, their king, in the sacred font of Baptism and instructed him in the mysteries of faith. After he had been many years bishop, and had distinguished himself by his sanctity and the power of working miracles, he departed this life on the 13th of January. His festival, however, is kept on this day, when his sacred body was translated."

St Terese's feast is celebrated on October 3 in the Extraordinary Form and traditional Benedictine calendar, and notes on her will appear here on that day.

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