
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Though we are now technically no longer in the Christmas Season, the liturgy time after Epiphany still reflects his historical association with that feast and season.

The feast of the Epiphany feast itself, you will recall from the Benedictus antiphon of the feast, celebrates three separate events:

"Today the Church hath joined to her heavenly Spouse, for Christ hath washed away her sins in the Jordan; the Magi hasten with gifts to the royal nuptials, and the guests are gladdened with wine made from water, alleluia."

This Sunday's Gospel, from St John 2:1-11, the subject of the Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons for the Sunday, centres on the last of these three, the marriage at Cana and the miracle of water transformed into wine.

The Benedictine Office this week in summary

Sunday 19 January – Second Sunday after the Epiphany; Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abachum, memorial
Monday 20 January - SS Fabian and Sebastian, Class III
Tuesday 21 January - St Agnes, Class III (Class II for monasteries of nuns) [**in some places, St Meinrad, Class I]
Wednesday 22 January – Class IV; St Vincent, memorial [EF: and St Anastasius;**in some places, St Meinrad]
Thursday 23 January – Class IV; St Emerentiana, memorial [EF: St Raymond Pennafort]
Friday 24 January – Class IV; St Timothy, memorial [EF: Class III]
Saturday 25 January – Conversion of St Paul, Class III

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