
Monday, December 14, 2015

Blog reorganisation

Just to let readers know I've done a little tidying up of the blog, and in particular transferred a lot of the links I had in sidebars to new pages, which can be accessed from the links on the top bar (under the blog title).

There are now pages for the Ordo (though I'll keep current month stuff in the sidebar), learning the Office, Benedictine spirituality and Office related resources.

Most of this material is not new, just (hopefully) a bit better organised.

There is one new section of material you want to take a look at though, and that is the Office Resources page.  Contains listings of chant books for the Office available online, books about the hymns of the Office and a lot more.  I'd love to add in any other useful resources you are aware of that I may have missed.

PS Feedback on the org, especially if you hate it and want me to put something back n the sidebars, is welcome!

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