
Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11 – St. Tiburtius, Martyr, Memorial

SS Peter and Paul, with St Tibertius among the four martyrs below,
Catacomb of SS Marcellinus and Peter, Via Labicana

Chromatius, prefect of Rome, condemned several Christians to death. In the process, however, he was converted by St. Tranquillinus. Tiburtius his son was also baptized through the persuasion of St Sebastian. 

Tiburtius hid in his father's house during the persecution of Diocletian. Betrayed by an apostate, he was brought before the prefect Fabianus and tried. He confessed his faith which he confirmed by a miracle, for protecting himself only by the sign of the cross he walked over red-hot coals barefoot without suffering any injury. But the miracle was ascribed to magic and Tiburtius was beheaded at the third mile-stone of the Via Labicana in the year 286. The spot of execution was called "at the two laurel trees" (ad duas lauros).

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