
Thursday, August 25, 2016

St Louis OF (EF)/St Joseph Calasanz (OF) - Aug 25

Louis IX with Pope Innocent IV at Cluny
From the martyrology:

"At Paris, St. Louis, confessor, King of France, illustrious by the holiness of his life and the fame of his miracles."
King St Louis IX of France (1214-1270) provides us with the model of the exemplary personal life of a ruler.  Deeply pious, he was a great patron of the arts, and built amongst other things the beautiful Sainte-Chapelle.  You can read more about him here.

Also celebrated today in some calendars is the feast of Saint Joseph Calasanctius (1557 – 1648), aka Joseph Calasanz and Josephus a Matre Dei, was the founder of the Pious Schools and the Order of the Piarists.

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