
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

St Philip Benizi (EF)/St Rose of Lima (OF) - Aug 23

Claudio Cuello
St Rose of Lima (1586-1617) was the first canonised saint native to the Americas.  A Dominican tertiary, she devoted herself to prayer and mortification.  She died at the age of 31.

From the martyrology:

"At Todi, St. Philip Beniti of Florence, confessor. He contributed greatly to the growth of the Order of the Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was a man of the greatest humility. He was numbered among the saints by Clement X."


  1. My beautiful Monastic Diurnal from St. Michael's Abby just arrived. However, it doesn't include St. Philip Benizi in its calendar.

  2. Yes, the MD uses the Benedictine 1962 calendar which has minor differences in its selection of saints and feasts from the Roman 1962 calendar.

    The notes I provide here generally follow the Benedictine calendar as the default.

    But I do often include other saints from the Roman 1962, or Extraordinary Form calendar, which I label EF. St Philip is in that category.

    I also include some saints from the Ordinary Form, or OF (1970) calendar, and a few saints listed in the martyrology for the day.
