
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

St Peter of Alcantara (EF); SS John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues, St Paul of the Cross (OF), Oct 19

Today's saints in the Ordinary Form include two North American martyrs.  St Jean de Brebeuf was a Jesuit martyred in 1649, while St Isaac Jogues was martyred in New York State in 1646.

Also in the OF today St Paul of the Cross:

"At Rome, the birthday of St. Paul of the Cross, confessor, founder of the Congregation of the Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom Pius IX canonized on account of his remarkable innocence of life and his penitential spirit, assigning the 28th of April as the day of his festival."

And in the EF:

"At Arenas, in Spain, St. Peter of Alcantara, confessor, of the Order of Friars Minor who was canonized by Clement IX on account of his admirable penance and many miracles."

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