
Monday, November 29, 2021

Quick reference guide - Advent week days to December 16




Opening as usual (Domine labia mea aperies…)

Psalm 3

Invitatory antiphon for Advent (MB 14), Regem venturum Dominum with Ps 94

Hymn for Advent: Verbum supernum prodiens

Nocturn I: psalms and antiphons of the day

Versicles for Advent, MB 14

3 readings and responsories (for the particular day and week of Advent)

Nocturn II: psalms and antiphons of the day

Chapter and versicle for Advent

Closing prayers




Opening prayers and invitatory psalms as usual

Psalms and antiphons of the day (up until 17 December)

Chapter, responsory and hymn for Advent, MD 9*

Canticle antiphon for the day and week of Advent

Collect of the previous Sunday, MD 11*




Opening prayers

Antiphon for week of Advent: Week I (Iucundare/Be glad), MD 13*

Psalms of day

Chapter, versicle and closing prayers as usual




Opening prayer and hymn as usual;

Antiphons for the week of Advent (Week I, Urbs/Sion), MD 13*;

Psalms for day;

Chapter and versicle for Advent, MD 14* or psalter;

Closing prayers as usual;

Collect of the week, MD 11*




Opening prayer and hymn as usual;

Antiphons for the week of Advent (Week I, Ecce/Behold), MD 14*;

Psalms for day;

Chapter and versicle for Advent, MD 14* or psalter;

Closing prayers as usual;

Collect of the week, MD 11*




Opening prayer and hymn as usual;

Antiphons for the week of Advent (Week I, Ecce/Behold), MD 15*;

Psalms for day;

Chapter and versicle for Advent, MD 15* or psalter;

Closing prayers as usual;

Collect of the week, MD 11*




Opening prayers as usual

Psalms and antiphons of the psalter

Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of Advent, MD 15*- 17*

Magnificat antiphon for the day and week of Advent/Magnificat




Starts MD 25

Marian Antiphon: Alma Redemptoris Mater, MD 265

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