
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Saying the Traditional Benedictine Office: notes on the Office in Advent 2022.

This year's Ordo is now available for purchase in ebook or paperback form from Lulu, but I've provided the full notes for December below.

As for last year, I will provide shorter notes, with information about each liturgical day and a page reference to the Monastic Diurnal, here from January.

About the Ordo notes

This notes are intended as an aid to those who wish to say the traditional form of the Benedictine Office using the Monastic Diurnal (MD) published by St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough; the Antiphonale Monasticum (AM); and/or the Breviarium Monasticum.  

The Ordo assumes that the user is familiar with the rubrics of the Benedictine Office and generally only sets out those texts that displace those that are normally used at a particular hour, ie those not included in the psalter section of the Diurnal.  Those who are not familiar with the relevant Office books and how to use them should consult the Learn the Benedictine Office page on the Saints Will Arise Blog. 

Rubrics and calendar

The notes generally follow the rubrics and General Calendar approved for the Benedictine Confederation of 1962.  In addition to the feasts specified in the General Calendar, it is necessary to add in any local feasts particular to your region, country, diocese, and monastery and/or parish. 

Consistent with the decree Cum Sanctissima, the Ordo also identifies some ‘optional Class III feasts’ for certain feasts previously reduced to commemorations during Lent, as well as for selected saints canonized since 1962. 

In addition, as a number of the traditional monasteries have maintained or re-introduced various pre-1962 liturgical practices and feasts, the Ordo also includes brief notes on these, such as where some monasteries say I Vespers of Class II feasts,Vespers of Our Lady on Saturday (said on Friday), and some earlier/Roman EF calendar feasts.

Reference material

In addition, cross-references to the feasts of the 1962 Extraordinary Form calendar; selected patronal feasts for selected regions, countries and monasteries; the newer calendar of the Benedictine Confederation;  as well as some previously celebrated vigils and octaves have been included for reference purposes only. 



MB                 Breviarium Monasticum Summorum Pontificum Cura Recognitum Pro Omnibus Sub Regula S. P. Benedicti Militantibus, 2 vols, Marietti, Rome, 1963. 

MD                              Monastic Diurnal, Farnborough, 2005 and later editions. 

AM                               Antiphonale Monasticum, Solesmes, 1934. 

LR                                Liber Responsorialis, Solesmes, 1895. 

LH                                Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983. 

SupAnt                     Supplement to the Antiphonale Monasticum, Fontgombault (Clear Creek) 

**                               Indicates a feast celebrated in some places only, for which texts for feast available in supplement at the back of the Monastic Diurnal (page numbers with **). 

ff                                  And following pages. 

Canticle antiphons In reference to Lauds and Vespers, refers to the Benedictus and Magnificat respectively.  At Matins, it refers to the third nocturn canticles of Matins used for Sundays and feasts. 

Festal psalms               a) At Lauds: Psalm 66, 92, 99, 62, Sunday or festal canticle of the day of the week, Psalms 148-150; 

(b) At Vespers: The psalms of Sunday or of a particular types of saints/feast (ie of one of the ‘Commons’), or specific to the feast; and

(c) At Matins: For the type of saint/feast (ie of the Commons) or specific to the feast.



Thursday 1 December – Thursday in the first week of Advent, Class III [In some places: **Blessed Richard, Hugo, John and Companions, Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 18*/AM 193; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Friday 2 December – Friday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Peter Chrysologus, Memorial [EF: St Bibiana, Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 19*/AM 193-4; collect, MD 11*/AM 189; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [8-9]/AM 759. 

Saturday 3 December – Saturday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Francis Xavier, Memorial [EF: Class III; **In some places: Class I] 

Matins to None: Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of Saturday in the first week of Advent; collect (Sunday I), MD 11*/AM 189; canticle antiphons at Lauds, MD 19*/AM 194; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [9]/AM 759. 

I Vespers of the Second Sunday of Advent, MD 19*/AM 194 ff (Psalms of Saturday, antiphons, chapter and collect of Sunday Advent 2, hymn and short responsory from the Ordinary of Advent). 

Sunday 4 December – Second Sunday of Advent, Class I

 Matins: Invitatory antiphon (Regem venturum Dominum), hymn (Verbum supernum), antiphons, versicles and canticles of Advent; readings, responsories and collect of the Second Sunday of Advent. 

Lauds: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect for the Second Sunday of Advent, MD 22*/AM 195 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 22*/AM 195. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect, MD 25*/AM 198 ff. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and collect as for 1 Vespers of the Second Sunday of Advent, MD 19*/AM 194 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD 26*/AM 199. 

Monday 5 December – Monday in the second week of Advent, Class III 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (invitatory, hymn, versicles and chapter) with readings and responsories of Advent week 2 (Monday in second week of Advent). 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 183 ff; Benedictus antiphon, MD 26-7*/AM 199; collect, MD 11*/AM 198. 

Prime: Antiphon for Advent week 2, MD 13*/AM 195. 

Terce to None: Antiphon of Advent week 2 (AM 195-7); chapter and versicle for Advent, as in the psalter or MD 13* ff; collect, MD 11*/AM 198. 

Vespers: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 15*/AM 181 ff; Magnificat antiphon, MD 27*/AM 200; collect of the Sunday, MD 11*/AM 198.  

Tuesday 6 December – Tuesday in the second week of Advent, Class III; St Nicholas, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent (Prime to None: Antiphons of wk II); canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 27*/AM 200; collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [9-10]/AM 760. 

Wednesday 7 December – St Ambrose, Class III 

Matins: Two nocturns, with invitatory, hymn, chapter and versicle of a Confessor Bishop; readings 1&2 of the Advent day (combine readings 2&3, omit responsory 2); reading 3, responsory and collect of the feast. 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and Benedictus antiphon of the Common of a Confessor Bishop, MD (64)/AM 659 ff; collect of the feast, MD [10]/AM 760; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 27*/AM 201, versicle and collect, MD 11*/AM 198. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds of the Common, MD (64)/AM 657. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter and versicle of the Common, MD (67-8)/AM 662-3; collect of the feast, MD [10]/AM 760. 

1 Vespers of the Immaculate Conception: Festal psalms of the BVM (Ps 109, 112, 121 & 126), MD (119); antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect, MD [11]/AM 761 ff. For the commemoration of the Advent day (after the collect of the feast): antiphon, MD 27*/AM 201; versicle, MD 17*/AM 183; and collect, MD 11*/AM 198. 

Thursday 8 December – The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Class I [Patronal feast of the USA and Solesmes Congregation; Previously: with a Common Octave] 

Matins: Three Nocturns, with invitatory, hymn, antiphons, versicles, readings, responsories and collect of the feast, LR 259/MB [16] ff; psalms and canticles of the Common of the BVM. 

Lauds: Festal psalms of Sunday with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [13]/AM 763 ff; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 27-8*/AM 201-2, versicle, MD 11*/AM 185, and collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD [13]/AM 763. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD [16-7]/AM 766. 

2 Vespers: Psalms, antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and collect of the feast as for I Vespers, MD [11]/AM 760 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD [17]/AM 767; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 27-8*/AM 201-2, versicle, MD 17*/AM 183, and collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198. 

Friday 9 December – Friday in the second week of Advent, Class III [In some places: St Ioannis Didaci Cuauhtlatoatzin (Juan Diego), Optional Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons at Prime to None of Advent week II; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 28*/AM 202; collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198. 

Saturday 10 December – Saturday in the second week of Advent, Class III [**In some places, Blessed Mark Barkworth, John Roberts and companions, Memorial; EF: St Melchiades, Memorial; OF: Our Lady of Loreto, Optional Memorial] 

Matins to None: Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons at Prime to None of week II; canticle antiphon at Lauds, MD 28*/AM 203; collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198. 

1 Vespers of Third Sunday in Advent: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and collect, MD 28*/AM 203 ff. 

Sunday 11 December – Third Sunday of Advent, Class I

[The feast of St Damasus is not marked in the Office this year.]

Matins: Invitatory for Third Sunday of Advent onwards (Prope est), hymn Verbum supernum; antiphons and canticles of Advent; readings, responsories and collect of the Third Sunday of Advent. 

Lauds: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect for the Third Sunday of Advent, MD 31*/AM 204 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 31*/AM 204. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect, MD 33*/AM 206 ff. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and collect as for 1 Vespers of the Third Sunday of Advent, MD 28*/AM 203 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD 35*/AM 207. 

Monday 12 December – Monday in the third week of Advent, Class III [In the Americas, Our Lady of Guadeloupe, Class I] 

For Our Lady of Guadeloupe, SupAm 6* ff. 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of Advent week 3 (Monday in third week of Advent). 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 183 ff; Benedictus antiphon, MD 41-2*/AM 220-1; collect, MD 11*/AM 221. 

Prime: Antiphon for Advent wk 3, MD 13*/AM 187-8 ff. 

Terce to None: Antiphon of Advent wk 3; chapter and versicle for Advent, as in the psalter or MD 13* ff; collect, MD 11*/AM 198. 

Vespers: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 15*/AM 181 ff; Magnificat antiphon, MD 42*/AM 221; collect of the Sunday, MD 11*/AM 221.  

Tuesday 13 December – St Lucy, Class III


Matins: Two Nocturns with invitatory, hymn, chapter and versicle of a Virgin Martyr; readings 1&2 of the Advent day (combine readings 2&3); reading 3, responsories and collect of the feast. 

Lauds: Festal psalms; antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and Benedictus antiphon for the feast, MD [18]/AM 769 ff; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 41-2*/AM 220; versicle, MD 11*/AM 185; collect, MD 11*/AM 206.

 Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds of the feast, MD [18]/AM 769. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD [21-2]/AM 772-3. 

Vespers: Antiphons of Lauds, MD [18]/AM 769 ff; (festal) psalms, chapter, responsory and hymn of the Common of Virgins, MD (96)/AM 682-3 ff; versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of (2 Vespers of) the feast, MD [22]/AM 772-3; for the commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 42*/AM 221, versicle, MD 17*/AM 186, collect, MD 11*/AM 206. 

Wednesday 14 December – Ember Wednesday in the third week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of the Ember Day. 

Lauds to Vespers: Ordinary of Advent, MD 9* ff (Prime to None antiphons of week III, MD 13* ff); canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 42-3*/AM 222-3; collect of the Ember Day, MD 42-3*/AM 223. 

Thursday 15 December – Thursday in third week of Advent, Class III 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons at Prime to None of Advent week III; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 43*/AM 223-4; collect (Sunday III), MD 11*/AM 221. 

Friday 16 December – Ember Friday in the third week of Advent, Class II [EF: St Eusebius, Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; at Matins, readings of the Ember Day; at Prime to None, antiphons of week III, MD 13* ff; canticle antiphons and collect of the Ember Day, MD 44*/AM 224. 

The Office in Advent between December 17 and 23

 The days between December 17 and 23 are Class II days, and reflecting this, the liturgy intensifies. 

At Matins there is a proper Invitatory antiphon for the season (Prope est, MB 14). 

At Lauds to Vespers a set of antiphons for the psalms for each day of the week are used, set out at MD 37*/AM 212 ff. 

At Lauds the Benedictus antiphons are normally of the relevant Advent day, but there are specific antiphons said on December 21 and 23. 

At Vespers, the 'O Antiphons' (MD 35-6*/AM 208 ff) are sung with the Magnificat, displacing the Magnificat antiphon of the Advent day. 

Saturday 17 December – Ember Saturday in the third week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings. 

Lauds to None:

  • Antiphons for the psalms: MD 40-1*;
  • Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle as for the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 181 ff; and
  • Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Ember Day, MD 44-5*/AM 225. 

1 Vespers for the Fourth Sunday of Advent: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and collect, MD 45*/AM 226 ff; Magnificat antiphon, O Sapientia, MD 35*/AM 208. 

Sunday 18 December – Fourth Sunday of Advent, Class I

Matins: Invitatory Prope est, hymn Verbum supernum; antiphons and canticles of Advent; readings, responsories and collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. 

Lauds: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, MD 48*/AM 226 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 48*/AM 226. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect, MD 50*/AM 229 ff. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and collect as for 1 Vespers, MD 45*/AM 226 ff; Magnificat antiphon, O Adonai, MD 35*/AM 209. 

Monday 19 December – Monday in the fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of Advent week 4. 

Lauds to Vespers:

  • Antiphons for the psalms (Monday in the period Dec 17-23), MD 37*/AM 212-3;
  • Chapter, hymn, responsory and versicle as for the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 181 ff;
  • Canticle antiphons: Benedictus antiphon, MD 52*/AM 229-30; MagnificatO Radix Iesse, MD 36*/AM 209; and
  • Collect (for hours other than Prime and Compline) of Sunday, MD 12*/AM 228. 

Tuesday 20 December – Tuesday in the fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of Advent week 4. 

Lauds to Vespers:

  • Antiphons for the psalms (Tuesday in the period Dec 17-23), MD 37-8*/AM 213-4;
  • Chapter, hymn, responsory and versicle as for the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 181 ff;
  • Canticle antiphons: Benedictus antiphon, MD 52*/AM 230; MagnificatO Clavis David, MD 36*/AM 210; and
  • Collect (for hours other than Prime and Compline) of Sunday, MD 12*/AM 228. 

In some monasteries, I Vespers of St Thomas: 1 Vespers of Common of Apostles, MD (2) with Magnificat antiphon, AM 774 and collect of the feast, MD [5-6], with a commemoration (Magnificat antiphon, versicle and collect as above) of the Advent day. 

Wednesday 21 December – St Thomas, Class II 

Matins: Three Nocturns, all of the Common of Apostles (LR 134/MB 5* ff) except for the readings for Nocturns II&III, Gospel and collect, of the feast. 

Lauds: Festal psalms; antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Common of Apostles, MD (9)/AM 622 ff; Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [22-3]/AM 774; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon (Nolite timere), MD 43*/AM 219, versicle, MD 11*/AM 185; and collect, MD 12*/AM 228. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds of the Common, MD (9)/AM 622. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter and versicle of the Common, MD (11)/AM 625 ff; collect of the feast, MD [23]/AM 774. 

2 Vespers: Psalms, antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Common of Apostles, MD (13)/AM 626 ff; Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [22-3]/AM 774; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, O OriensMD 36*/AM 210, versicle, MD 17*/AM 183, and collect, MD 12*/AM 228. 

Thursday 22 December – Thursday in fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of the day. 

Lauds to Vespers:

  • Antiphons for the psalms: MD 39*/AM 216-7;
  • Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle as for the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 181 ff;
  • Canticle antiphons: Benedictus, MD 53*/AM 231; Magnificat antiphon, O Rex gentium, MD 36*/AM 211; and
  • Collect: MD 12*/AM 228. 

Friday 23 December – Friday in fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory Prope est, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of the day. 

Lauds to Vespers:

  • Antiphons for the psalms: MD 39-40*/AM 217-8;
  • Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle as for the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 181 ff;
  • Canticle antiphons: BenedictusEcce completa sunt, MD 41*/AM 231; Magnificat antiphon, O Emmanuel, MD 36*/AM 211; and
  • Collect: MD 12*/AM 228. 

Saturday 24 December – Vigil of the Nativity, Class I 

Matins: Two Nocturns with invitatory antiphon, hymn, three readings and responsories, chapter and collect of the Vigil, MB 85 ff and psalms of the day. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Vigil, MD 54*/AM 232 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 54*/AM 232. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the Vigil, MD 57-8*/AM 235. 


1 Vespers of the Nativity of Our Lord: Psalms of Sunday with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD 58*/AM 236 ff. 

Compline: Marian antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater and versicle with collect for December 24 (Post partum), MD 265-6/AM 174-5 henceforward. 

The Office during Nativitytide

The season of the Nativity lasts from 1 Vespers of Christmas Day until January 13, and falls into four parts: the Vigil and feast of the Nativity; the Octave of the Nativity; the days from January 2 to 5; and the season of Epiphanytide. The texts for the Vigil and feast are proper to it. 

Sunday 25 December – The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas), Class I 

Matins: Three nocturns with invitatory, hymn, psalms, antiphons, twelve readings and responsories all of the feast, LR 54 ff. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, MD 61*/AM 240 ff. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon MD 64*/AM 244. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD 64-5*/AM 244-5. 

2 Vespers of the Nativity: Antiphons, psalms, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD 65*/AM 245 ff.

The Office during the Octave of the Nativity

During the Octave, the psalms are either of the relevant feast, or of the day of the week except at Vespers, which uses the psalms of the feast of the Nativity each day, but with an alternating fourth psalm. The variable texts (antiphons, chapters, versicle, collect, etc) are either of the feast (where there is one), of the Sunday, or as for the feast of the Nativity. 

Monday 26 December – St Stephen, Protomartyr, Class II; Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity 

Matins: Three nocturns with invitatory antiphon and hymn of the feast, LR 428 ff; antiphons and psalms of the Common of a Martyr, LR 148/MB 42* ff; readings, responsories and collect of the feast. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 83*/AM 250 ff. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds the feast, MD 83*/AM 250. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day of the week; chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD 86*/AM 252 ff. 

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the Nativity, MD 65*/AM 245 ff [4th psalm = Ps 131, MD 70*]; chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 87*/AM 253 ff. 

Tuesday 27 December – St John the Evangelist, Class II; Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity 

Matins: Three nocturns, all as for the Common of Apostles (LR 134 ff) except for the readings, responsories, Gospel and collect (of the feast). 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 90*/AM 255 ff. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 90*/AM 255. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD 93-4*/AM 258. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the Nativity, MD 65* [4th psalm = Ps 129]; chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 94*/AM 259 ff. 

Wednesday 28 December – Holy Innocents, Class II; Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity 

Matins: Three Nocturns with antiphons and psalms of the Common of Several Martyrs, LR 175/MB 63* ff; invitatory antiphon, hymn, readings and responsories of the feast, LR 450 ff. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 97*/AM 260 ff. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 97*/AM 260. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD 100*/AM 263 ff. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the Nativity, MD 65* ff; chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD 101*/AM 263 ff [4th psalm = Ps 131], with a commemoration of the Octave, MD 96-7*/AM 263. 

Thursday 29 December – Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity, Class II [**In some places, St Thomas Becket, Class I or Memorial] 

For St Thomas Becket, MD 2**; SupAnt 15**. 

Matins: Two Nocturns with invitatory, hymn, antiphons, versicle, chapter and collect of the Nativity; three (Patristic) readings and responsories of the day. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Nativity, MD 61*/AM 267 ff. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds of the Nativity, MD 64*/AM 240. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day of the week with antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the Nativity, MD 64-5*/AM 244-5. 

Vespers: Antiphons, psalms [4th psalm = Ps 129], chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the Nativity, MD 65*/AM 245 ff. 

Friday 30 December – Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity, Class II 

Matins: Two Nocturns with invitatory, hymn, antiphons, versicle, chapter and collect of the Nativity; three (Patristic) readings and responsories of the day. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Nativity, MD 61*/AM 244. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds of the Nativity, MD 64*/AM 240. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day with chapter, versicle and collect of the Nativity, MD 64-5*/AM 244-5. 

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms [4th psalm = Ps 131], chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the Nativity, MD 65*/AM 245 ff. 

Saturday 31 December  Seventh Day within the Octave, Class II; St Sylvester, Memorial 

Matins: Two Nocturns with invitatory, hymn, antiphons, versicle, chapter and collect of the Nativity; three (Patristic) readings and responsories of the day. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Nativity, MD 61*/AM 244; commemoration of St Sylvester, MD 103-4*/AM 269. 

Prime: Psalms of the day of the week; antiphon 1 of Lauds of the Nativity, MD 64*/AM 240. 

Terce to None: Psalms of the day with chapter, versicle and collect of the Nativity, MD 64-5*/AM 244-5. 

1 Vespers of the Octave of the Nativity of Our Lord: Psalms of the Common of Feasts of the BVM, MD (119) ff/AM 703; antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect, MD 104*/AM 270 ff. 

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