
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

April 2023

 The Office in April this year starts with Holy Week, and takes in Eastertide. 

APRIL 2023

 Saturday 1 April – Saturday in Passion Week, Class III 

Matins to None: Ordinary of Passiontide, MD 240*/AM 382 ff; Benedictus antiphon and collect, MD 252*/AM 398; 1 Vespers of Palm Sunday, MD 252* ff/AM 399. 

Sunday 2 April – Second Passion Sunday or Palm Sunday, Class I

 MD 255*/AM 399 ff. 

Monday 3 April – Monday in Holy Week, Class I 

Antiphons lor Lauds to None, MD 260*/AM 404 ff; Ordinary of Passiontide, MD 240*/AM 385 ff; canticle antiphons and collects, MD 261-2*/AM 407. 

Tuesday 4 April – Tuesday in Holy Week, Class I 

MD 262*/AM 407 ff; Ordinary of Passiontide, MD 240*/AM 384 ff. 

Wednesday 5 April Wednesday in Holy Week, Class I 

MD 263*/AM 409 ff; Ordinary of Passiontide, MD 240*/AM 384 ff. 

Thursday 6 April Maundy Thursday, Class I 

MD 265*/AM 413 ff. 

Friday 7 April – Good Friday, Class I 

MD 309*/AM 438 ff. 

Saturday 8 April Holy Saturday, Class I 

MD 318*/AM 445 ff. 

Sunday 9 April –– Easter Sunday, Class I with a Class I Octave

 MD 328*/AM 453 ff; at Compline, Regina Caeli, MD 267-8/AM 176 or 179-80, henceforward. 

Monday 10 April – Monday in the Octave of Easter, Class I 

Lauds to Vespers: All as for Easter Sunday (with festal psalms at Lauds and Vespers), except for the canticle antiphons and collect, MD 335*/AM 460-1. 

Tuesday 11 April – Tuesday in Octave of Easter, Class I 

Canticle antiphons and collect, MD 336*/AM 462. 

Wednesday 12 April – Wednesday in the Octave of Easter, Class I 

Canticle antiphons, and collect, MD 336-7*/AM 462-3. 

Thursday 13 April – Thursday in the Octave of Easter, Class I 

Canticle antiphons and collect, MD 337*/AM 463-4. 

Friday 14 April – Friday in the Octave of Easter, Class I 

Canticle antiphons and collect, MD 337-8*/AM 464-5. 

Saturday 15 April – White Saturday in the Octave of Easter, Class I 

Lauds to None: All as for Easter Sunday (with festal psalms at Lauds and Vespers), except for the Benedictus antiphon and collect, MD 338*/AM 465; 1 Vespers of Low Sunday, MD 339*/AM 473 ff. 

Sunday 16 April – White/Low Sunday (Octave Day of Easter), Class I

 MD 341*/AM 474 ff. 

Monday 17 April Class IV [EF: St Anacletus, Memorial; Canada: St Kateri Tekakwitha, Class III] 

Ordinary of Eastertide, MD 346*/AM 466 ff; canticle antiphons for Lauds and Vespers, MD 352*/AM 477-8; collect (of White Sunday), MD 344*/AM 475. 

Tuesday 18 April – Class IV 

Canticle antiphons, MD 352*/AM 478. 

Wednesday 19 April Class IV 

Canticle antiphons, MD 352-3*/AM 479. 

Thursday 20 April Class IV 

Canticle antiphons for Lauds and Vespers, MD 353*/AM 479-80. 

Friday 21 April – St Anselm, Class III 

MD [110]/AM 870. 

Saturday 22 April – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady [EF: SS Soter and Cajus, Class III] 

MD (130-1)/AM 714; responsory, versicle and Benedictus antiphon of the Office of Our Lady in Eastertide, MD (135)/AM 718-9; 1 Vespers of the Second Sunday after Easter, MD 354* ff/AM 481. 

 MD 356*/AM 481 ff. 

Monday 24 April – Class IV [EF: St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Class III] 

Ordinary of Eastertide, MD 346*/AM 466 ff; canticle antiphons, MD 360*/AM 483-4; collect (of Sunday), MD 358*/AM 482. 

Tuesday 25 April The Greater Litanies and St Mark, Class II [Australia: ANZAC Day] 

MD [113]/AM 873. 

Wednesday 26 April Class IV; St Cletus, Memorial [EF: SS Cletus and Marcellinus, Class III; Australia: St Mark, Class II] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [113-4]/AM 873. 

Thursday 27 April Class IV; St Peter Canisius, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [114-5]/AM 873. 

Friday 28 April Class IV [Gower: St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, Class II; EF: St Paul of the Cross; Oceania: St Peter Chanel, Class III]

 Saturday 29 April – SS Odo, Majolus, Odilo and Hugh, Class III [EF: St Peter of Verona, Class III] 

MD [115]/AM 877 ff; 1 Vespers of the Third Sunday in Eastertide: One antiphon of Eastertide, with chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon (as for Sunday Lauds) and collect, MD 362*/AM 487 ff. 

Sunday 30 April – Third Sunday after Easter, Class II

 MD 363*/AM 487 ff; 1 Vespers of St Joseph, MD [123] ff OR MD [130]/AM 883 with a commemoration of the Third Sunday after Easter, MD 365*&363*/AM 488-9.

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