
Friday, July 28, 2023

August 2023

The 'ordinary' texts for the Office in August are for time throughout the year (after the Octave of Pentecost). 

At Matins on ordinary weekdays, the readings follow the summer pattern of one short reading and short responsory only.

On Sundays, the Matins readings for Nocturns I&II and responsories are of the relevant week of August rather than the Sunday after Pentecost (except where displaced by a feast).

At Saturday Vespers, the Magnificat antiphon refers to the Matins readings of the Sunday, and so are of the relevant Sunday of August (except where displaced by a feast, such as on the first Sunday, with the Transfiguration). 

If you would like more detailed notes, you can purchase the full ordo through Lulu in hardcopy or PDF form.

You can also find notes on how to say the Benedictine Office according to the 1962 calendar and rubrics here.  


 Tuesday 1 August – Class IV; The Holy Maccabees, Memorial [In some places: St Peter in Chains] 

For St Peter, see AM 987 ff. 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect MD 469*/AM 600; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [209-10]/AM 988. 

Wednesday 2 August – Class IV; St Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [210]/AM 993. 

Thursday 3 August Class IV 

Friday 4 August – St Dominic, Class III 

MD [211]/AM 994. 

Saturday 5 August – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [211-2]/AM 994; 1 Vespers of the Transfiguration: MD [212]/AM 997 ff; no commemoration of the Sunday. 

Sunday 6 August – Transfiguration of Our Lord, Class I

 MD [212]/AM 998 ff; no commemoration of the Sunday. 

Monday 7 August – Class IV; SS Sixtus II, Felicissimus and Agapitus, Memorial [EF: St Cajetan, Class III] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect of the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, MD 470*/AM 601; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [219]/AM 1001. 

Tuesday 8 August – Class IV; St Cyriacus, Memorial [EF/Gower: St John Mary Vianney, Class III; Australia and NZ: St Mary of the Cross, Class I] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [219-20]/AM 1004. 

Wednesday 9 August – Vigil of St Lawrence, Class III [OF/ in Europe/Optional Class III: St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)] 

MD [220]/AM 1004. 

Thursday 10 August – St Lawrence, Class II 

MD [221]/AM 1005 ff. 

Friday 11 August – Class IV; St Tiburtius, Memorial [EF: and St Susanna; Gower: SS Tiburtius, Susanna and Philomena, Memorials] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [227-8]/AM 1009-10. 

Saturday 12 August – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Clare, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [228]/AM 1010; 1 Vespers of the Second Sunday of August, Magnificat antiphon, MD 451*/AM 580-1; collect of the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, MD 471*/AM 602. 

Sunday 13 August – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost/Second Sunday of August, Class II

 MD 470-1*/AM 602. 

Monday 14 August – Vigil of the Assumption, Class II 

MD [229]/AM 1011; 1 Vespers of the Assumption, MD [230]/AM 1011 ff. 

Tuesday 15 August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Class I [Previously: with a Common Octave] 

MD [233]/AM 1013 ff. 

Wednesday 16 August – Class IV [EF: St Joachim, Class III] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 471*/AM 602. 

Thursday 17 August – Class IV [EF: St Hyacinth, Class III] 

Friday 18 August – Class IV; St Agapitus, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [245]/AM 1019.

Saturday 19 August – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady [EF: St John Eudes, Class III; Benedictine Confederation: St Bernard Tolomei, Optional Memorial] 

1 Vespers of the Third Sunday of August: Magnificat antiphon, MD 451*/AM 581; collect of the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, MD 472*/AM 603. 

Sunday 20 August – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost/Third Sunday of August, Class II

 MD 471-2*/AM 602-3. 

Monday 21 August – Class IV; St Bernard Ptolemy, Memorial [EF: St Jane Frances de Chantal, Class III] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 472*/AM 603; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [249]/AM 1022. 

Tuesday 22 August – Class IV; St Timothy, Memorial [EF: Immaculate Heart of the BVM, Class II/ Gower: Class I] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [250]/AM 1023. 

Wednesday 23 August – Class IV [EF: St Philip Benizi, Class III; Previously: Vigil of St Bartholomew] 

Thursday 24 August – St Bartholomew, Class II 

MD [250]/AM 1024. 

Friday 25 August – Class IV [**In some places/EF: St Louis, Class III/Gower: Memorial] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 472*/AM 603. 

Saturday 26 August – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady [EF: St Zepherinus, Memorial] 

1 Vespers of the Fourth Sunday of August: Magnificat antiphon, MD 452*/AM 581-2; collect of the Thirteenth Sunday, MD 472-3*/AM 604. 

Sunday 27 August – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost/Fourth Sunday of August, Class II

 MD 472-3*/AM 604-5. 

Monday 28 August – St Augustine of Hippo, Class III; St Hermes, Memorial 

MD [251]/AM 1024. 

Tuesday 29 August – Beheading of St John the Baptist, Class III 

MD [252]/AM 1026 ff. 

Wednesday 30 August – Class IV; SS Felix and Adauctus, Memorial [Gower: and St Rose of Lima, Memorials; EF/**In some places, St Rose of Lima, Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [257]/AM 1029. 

Thursday 31 August – Class IV [EF: St Raymond Nonnatus, Class III] 

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