
Friday, October 27, 2023

November 2023

This post provides summary notes on the Ordo for November for the Benedictine Office according to the rubrics and calendar approved in 1960 (and published in the Monastic Breviary of 1963).  

Page references are to the St Michael's Abbey (Farnborough) editions of the Monastic Diurnal (MD) and Antiphonale Monasticum (AM) of 1934.

Note that you can also access these notes from the pages menu on the blog, or from this link.

The Ordo for the coming liturgical year will be available in the next few days.....more soon.



Wednesday 1 November – All Saints, Class I [Previously: with a Common Octave] 

MD [331]/AM 1102 ff with festal psalms. 

Thursday 2 November – All Souls, Class I 

MD [337]/AM 1108 ff. 

Friday 3 November – Class IV 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 481*/AM 614. 

Saturday 4 November – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Charles Borromeo, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration, MD [344-5]/AM 1112; 1 Vespers of the first Sunday in November: Magnificat antiphon, MD 459*/AM 590; collect of the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, MD 482*/AM 615. 

Sunday 5 November – Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost/First Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 482*/AM 615.  

Monday 6 November – Class IV 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 482*/AM 615; Matins. 

Tuesday 7 November – Class IV [Benedictine Confederation: St. Willibrord, Optional Memorial] 

Wednesday 8 November – Class IV; The Four Crowned Martyrs, Memorial [Previously: Octave Day of All Saints]

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [345]/AM 1113. 

Thursday 9 November – Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour (St John Lateran), Class II 

MD (114)/AM 697 ff. 

Friday 10 November – Class IV; St Theodore, Memorial [EF: St Andrew Avellino, Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [346]/AM 1113. 

Saturday 11 November – St Martin of Tours, Class II [EF: Class III] 

MD [346]/AM 1115 ff; 2 Vespers of St Martin, MD [352]/AM 1118 with a commemoration of the Third Sunday of November/ Fifth remaining after Epiphany, Magnificat antiphon and versicle, MD 460*/AM 591, collect, MD 485*/AM 617. 

Sunday 12 November – Fifth Sunday Remaining after Epiphany/Third Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 485*/AM 309. 

Monday 13 November – All Saints of the Benedictine Order, Class II [EF: St Didacus, Class III; USA: St Frances Xavier Cabrini, Class III] 

MD [353]/AM 1121 ff with festal psalms of Sunday. 

Tuesday 14 November – All Souls of the Benedictine Order, Class II [EF: St Josaphat, Class III] 

MD [360]/AM 1126/ SupAnt 153-4. 

Wednesday 15 November – Class IV; St Albert the Great, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [362-3]/AM 1127. 

Thursday 16 November – Class IV [EF: St Gertrude, Class III] 

Friday 17 November – St Gertrude, Class II (monasteries of nuns)/III [EF: St Gregory Thaumaturgis, Class III]

 MD [363]/AM 1130 ff. 

Saturday 18 November – Dedication of the Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul, Class III 

MD (114)/AM 697 ff; 1 Vespers of the Fourth Sunday of November: Magnificat antiphon, MD 460*/AM 592; Collect of the Sixth Sunday remaining after Epiphany, MD 486*/AM 617. 

Sunday 19 November – Sixth Sunday Remaining after Epiphany/Fourth Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 486*/AM 617. 

Monday 20 November – Class IV [**In some places: St Edmund; EF: St Felix of Valois, Class III] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 486*/AM 617; Matins readings of the fourth week of November. 

Tuesday 21 November – Presentation of the BVM, Class III; St Columba, Memorial 

MD [371]/AM 1138 ff. 

Wednesday 22 November – St Caecilia, Class III 

MD [373]/AM 1140 ff. 

Thursday 23 November – St Clement, Class III; St Felicitas, Memorial 

MD [377]/AM 1145 ff. 

Friday 24 November – Class IV; SS John of the Cross and Chrysogonus, Memorials [EF: St John of the Cross, Class III; OF/Optional Class III: SS Andrew Dung-Lac and the Vietnamese Martyrs] 

For the commemorations at Lauds, MD [382-3]/AM 1148-9. 

Saturday 25 November – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Catherine of Alexandria, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [383-4]/AM 1149; 1 Vespers of the Fifth Sunday of November: Magnificat antiphon, MD 461*/AM 592; collect of the last Sunday after Pentecost, MD 487*/AM 617-8. 

Sunday 26 November – Twenty-six and last Sunday after Pentecost/ Fifth Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 487*/AM 617-8. 

Monday 27 November – Class IV [Gower: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Memorial] 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year with collect, MD 487*/AM 618; Matins readings of the fifth week of November. 

Tuesday 28 November – Class IV 

Wednesday 29 November – Class IV; St Saturninus, Memorial [In some places: Vigil of St Andrew] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [385]/AM 753. 

Thursday 30 November – St Andrew, Class II 

MD [2]/AM 755 ff. 

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