
Friday, December 15, 2023

Advent responsory: Jerusalem plantabis vineam (Responsories Pt 7)

Source: Gregobase (Gregofacsimil)

Today's Advent responsory is used on Sunday and Friday in the second week of Advent.   

You can listen to it in a setting by Lassus below, but it focuses on the imagery of Jerusalem, and above all the vineyard which the Lord plants and calls his labourers to tend.  The text is actually from Jeremiah 31: 5-7:

R. Ierúsalem, / plantábis víneam in móntibus tuis: † exsultábis, quóniam dies Dómini véniet: † surge, Sion, convértere ad Dóminum Deum tuum: gaude et lætáre, Iacob: * Quia de médio géntium Salvátor tuus véniet.
V. Exsúlta satis, fília Sion: iúbila, fília Ierúsalem.
R. Quia de médio géntium Salvátor tuus véniet.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Quia de médio géntium Salvátor tuus véniet.
R. Thou shalt yet plant vines upon thy mountains, O Jerusalem thou shalt sing for joy, for the day of the Lord cometh; arise, O Zion, and turn unto the Lord thy God; rejoice and be glad, O Jacob. * For thy Saviour cometh from the midst of the nations.
V. Sing aloud for joy, O daughter of Zion; shout with gladness, O daughter of Jerusalem.
R. For thy Saviour cometh from the midst of the nations.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. For thy Saviour cometh from the midst of the nations.

The original text of the respond though reads as follows:

5 Once more thou shalt plant vineyards over the hill-country of Samaria; planted they shall be, and the men who planted them await the appointed time before they gather the vintage. Watchmen there shall be, when that day comes, in the hill-country of Ephraim that will cry aloud, Up, to Sion go we, and there worship the Lord our God!  Rejoice, the Lord says, at Jacob’s triumph, the proudest of nations greet with a glad cry; loud echo your songs of praise, Deliverance, Lord, for thy people, for the remnant of Israel! (Knox translation)

The verse is from Zachariah 9:9, which then continues 'See where thy king comes to greet thee, a trusty deliverer; see how lowly he rides, mounted on an ass, patient colt of patient dam'.

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