
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Responsory for 1 Vespers of the Nativity: Judaea et Jerusalem

As I was preparing for today's Office I decided I couldn't resist posting on one more responsory, with a nice recording of it by the monks of Solesmes, which you can use for  First Vespers of the Nativity (to replace the short responsory).

The text

The mostly non-Scriptural text (the first phrase is from Zachariah 8:15) is identical to two antiphons - the respond text is the same as the first antiphon of Lauds for the Vigil, while the verse is used at the day hours on Friday in the period December 17-23.

R. Judaea et Jerusalem; nolite timere: * Cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.

R. Judaea and Jerusalem, fear not: * Tomorrow you shall go forth, and the Lord will be with you.

V. Constantes estote, videbitis auxilium Domini super vos.

V. Be steadfast and you shall see the salvation of the lord upon you.

R. Cras egridiemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.

R. Tomorrow you shall go forth, and the Lord will be with you.

 Although there are a large number of surviving manuscripts of the responsory version of these texts, most of which place it at Matins for the Vigil of the Nativity, it doesn't actually feature in the modern Office at all in the Benedictine or Roman uses (but does seem to have survived in the Dominican Rite).

It is included, though, in the set of responsories for use at I Vespers of major feasts which can be used on an optional basis, in the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum:

Source: Gregobase

And here's the recording:

May you have a very happy Christmas!

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