
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Benedictine Office Ordo FAQs

 I have had a few queries in various forums, around the Ordo for the coming liturgical year, so I thought it might be useful to bring together my answers  here by way of a reminder to get your order in for a copy so it arrives before the new liturgical years starts.

1.  What does the Ordo provide?

For each day of the liturgical year the Ordo sets out the level of day/feast according to the Benedictine 1962 calendar, provides cross-references to the EF and Benedictine Confederation calendar, as well as to older feasts celebrated by the traditional Benedictine monasteries. It also includes cross-references to selected optional Class III feasts, and some specific to individual traditional monasteries.

For each day it includes detailed instructions with page references to the Farnborough editions of the Monastic Diurnal, as well as the Antiphonale Monasticum of 1934.

Here is a sample entry:

Wednesday 8 December – The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Class I [Patronal feast of the USA and Solesmes Congregation]

Matins: Three Nocturns, with invitatory, hymn, antiphons, versicles, readings, responsories and collect of the feast, LR 259/MB [16] ff; psalms and canticles of the Common of the BVM.

Lauds: Festal psalms of Sunday with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [13]/AM 763 ff; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 27*/AM 201, versicle, MD 11*/AM 185 and collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198.

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD [13]/AM 763.

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD [16-7]/AM 766.

2 Vespers: Psalms, antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn and collect of the feast as for I Vespers, MD [11]/AM 760 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD [17]/AM 767; commemoration of the Advent day, antiphon, MD 27*/AM 201, versicle, MD 17*/AM 183, and collect (Sunday II), MD 11*/AM 198.

2.  How does this compare to what is provided on the Saints Will Arise blog/emails from it?

This year I plan to provide an abbreviated guide to to the Benedictine office on the blog that assumes you are familiar with the rubrics for Sundays and feasts..

Rather than the full details to variations/necessary supplements to the ferial texts provide above, by way of comparison, for December 8 it will look as follows:

Wed 8 Dec – Im. Conception of the BVM, Cl I 

MD [13] ff; commem. of the feria, MD 27*. 

I also plan to post this monthly rather than weekly, in order to reduce the workload on me! Unfortunately I have fairly intensive family care commitments at the moment that leave me with very little time to devote to other things.  I'd also like to devote what time I have to other tasks (such as putting the how to say the Office notes in book form) and other topics, some of which I hope will ultimately be of interest to readers of the blog. If my family circumstances change, I will review this.

3. How can I learn the rubrics so I can get by with the shorter notes on the blog?

There are detailed notes on how to say the Benedictine Office on the Learn the Benedictine Office blog. You can also cross-check you use of the Diurnal against the monastic office version on the Divinum Officium website.

I plan to revise and update the notes next year, and hopefully add some videos for those who prefer hearing/seeing over reading.

4. Does the Ordo change each year?

Yes.  The Ordo changes each year to give you what dates feasts and Sundays fall on, which varies each year to reflect both the calendar year cycle, and the various liturgical cycles.

Some feasts, such as those of the saints, have fixed dates.  But whether and how they are celebrated is affected by first the calendar year cycle (eg whether the date is a Sunday), and the liturgical cycle (seasons and their days that override feasts).

In addition, the two pivots of the liturgical cycle are the start of Advent and the date of Easter, with the rest of the Sunday cycle flowing from those dates.

There are some other cycles that vary each year as well - how many Sundays there are for the calendar months from August to November for example, which determines the Saturday Magnificat antiphon at Vespers and the first and second Nocturn matins readings during those months on Sunday.

5.  How significant are the changes each year?

There are a few key things that change in the Sunday cycle each year, such as:

  • how many days there are of  Advent (since the first Sunday can vary from 27 November to December 3, but always ends on December 23);
  • how many Sundays there are after Epiphany, ie before Septuagesima Sunday and the start of the Lent/Easter cycle;
  • how many Sundays there are after Pentecost before the calendar month cycle cuts in;
  • how many Sundays and what they are for each month from August to November; and
  • how many Sundays there are after Pentecost and before the start of Advent, and so how many texts are slotted in from those 'remaining' after Epiphany.

The biggest changes each year, though, relates to 'clashes' between two potential feasts or a feast and Sunday.

Each year, for example, the Sunday cycle normally overrides or otherwise affects whatever feasts would normally be celebrated on that date, so last year's Sundays have to have their proper feasts added back into the Ordo, and account taken of any clashes between days/feasts. 

For this coming year, for example, there are 46 instances of concurrence/occurrence of days and feasts (excluding feasts that occur on Class IV days).

Some of these are pretty simple changes (Memorials that fall on Sundays are simply not observed); most though involve changes such as commemorating one or the other of the days involved, or even transferring a feast.

There are also a few other changes each year, as I review things like the feasts celebrated by the major traditional monasteries, feasts permitted by Cum Sanctissima, and so forth.  

This year I have made one major change, suggesting use of the psalms of the day for the minor hours during the Easter and Pentecost octaves, in line with the practice of some of the traditional monasteries.

6. Where can I ask questions about rubrics/how to say the Office/make suggestions?

There is a Traditional Benedictine Office facebook group for those using the 1962 Office and looking for help on these type of issues (note that it is not a general Benedictine spirituality group).

You can also ask questions through the comments section on the blogs. 

Suggestions on the contents or design of the Ordo or notes on the Saints Will Arise blog, feasts that you think should be considered for inclusion in the Ordo, and corrections can either be sent to me via the comments section of the blog or email.

7. Where can I get a copy of the Ordo?

You can buy a copy of the Ordo in either paperback or ebook form from Lulu - either search their bookshop under Katrina Edwards, or Benedictine Ordo, or click the link on the blog. 

If you are a Catholic monk, nun or monastery, please contact me by email to arrange a copy.

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