
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Ordo 21: 28 November to 31 December 2021

Below find notes on the Ordo for the Benedictine Office according to the 1962 rubrics from the first Sunday of Advent to the end of December.  You can also find these notes via the Current month's Ordo page on the blog.

Page references are to the St Michael's Abbey editions of the Monastic Diurnal (MD).

For more detailed instructions on how to say the Benedictine Office, please go here.

And you can obtain more detailed Ordo notes here. 

28 Nov – First Sunday of Advent, Cl I

 MD 4* ff.

Mon 29 Nov – Class III; St Saturninus, Memorial 

Ordinary of Advent, MD 9* ff; canticle antiphons, MD 17*; collect, MD 11*; for the com., MD [385]. 

Tues 30 November – St Andrew, Class II 

MD [2] 

Wed 1 Dec - Class III 

Canticle antiphons, MD 18*. 

Thurs 2 Dec – Class III; St Peter Chrysologus, Memorial 

Canticle ants, MD 18*; commem. at Lauds, MD [8-9]. 

Fri 3 Dec – Class III; St Francis Xavier, Memorial 

Canticle ants, MD 19*; commmem. at Lauds, MD [9]. 

Sat 4 Dec – Class III 

Canticle ant, MD 19*;Vespers of the following, MD 19* ff.

 5 Dec – Second Sunday of Advent, Class I

 MD 22* ff. 

6 Dec – Monday Advent wk 2, Class III; St Nicholas, Memorial 

Cant ants, MD 26-7*; Lauds, MD [9-10]. 

Tues 7 Dec – St Ambrose, Class III 

MD [10] with commem. of the feria, MD 27*. 

Wed 8 Dec – Im. Conception of the BVM, Cl I 

MD [13] ff; commem. of the feria, MD 27*. 

9 Dec – Thurs Advent wk 2, Class III 

Canticle antiphons, MD 27-8*. 

10 Dec – Fri Advent wk 2, Class III 

Canticle antiphons, MD 28*. 

Sat 11 Dec – Sat Advent wk 2, Cl III; St Damasus, Memorial 

MD 28*, and commem. at Lauds, MD [17-8]; 1 Vespers of following, MD 28* ff.

12 December – Third Sunday of Advent, Cl I

 MD 31* ff. 

Mon 13 Dec – St Lucy, Class III 

MD [18] ff; commem. of the feria, MD 41-2*. 

14 Dec – Tues in Advent wk 3, Class III 

Canticle antiphons, MD 42*/AM 221-2. 

Wed 15 Dec – Ember Wednesday, Class II 

MD 42-3*. 

16 Dec – Thurs in Advent wk 3, Class III 

Canticle antiphons, MD 43*. 

17 Dec – Ember Friday, Class II 

Ants: MD 39-40*; Benedictus and collect,MD 44*; Magnificat, O Sapientia, MD 35*. 

Sat 18 Dec – Ember Saturday, Class II 

Ants for the psalms: MD 40-1*; Benedictus antiphon and collect, MD 44*; Vespers of the following with Magnificat antiphon, O Adonai, MD 35*.

Sun 19 Dec – Fourth Sunday of Advent, Class I

 MD 48* ff. 

Mon 20 Dec – Monday in the fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Antiphons for the psalms, MD 37*; Benedictus antiphon, MD 52*; Magnificat, O Clavis David, MD 36*. 

Tues 21 Dec – St Thomas, Class II 

MD [22-3]; commem. of the Advent day at Lauds and Vespers (Benedictus antiphon, Nolite timere, MD 43*; Magnificat antiphon, O Oriens, MD 36*). 

Wed 22 Dec – Wednesday in the fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Antiphons for the psalms: MD 38-9*; Benedictus antiphon, MD 53*; Magnificat, O Rex gentium, MD 36*. 

Thursday 23 Dec – Thursday in fourth week of Advent, Class II 

Antiphons for the psalms: MD 39*; Benedictus antiphon, Ecce completa sunt, MD 41*; Magnificat antiphon, O Emmanuel, MD 36*.  

Friday 24 Dec – Vigil of the Nativity, Class I 

MD 54* ff. 


1 Vespers of the following, MD 58 ff. 

Compline: Marian antiphon Alma redemptoris henceforward. 

Sat 25 Dec – The Nativity of Our Lord, Class I with a Class II Octave

MD 61* ff.

Sun 26 Dec Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity, Class II; Commemoration of St Stephen, Protomartyr [OF: Holy Family]

 MD 77* ff. 

Mon 27 Dec – St John the Evangelist, Class II; Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity

 MD 90* ff. 

Tues 28 Dec – Holy Innocents, Class II; Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity

 MD 97* ff. 

Wed 29 Dec – Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity, Class II [In some places, St Thomas Becket, Class I or Commemoration] 

MD 103*. 

Thursday 30 Dec – Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity, Class II 

MD 103*. 

Fri 31 Dec Seventh Day within the Octave, Class II; Commemoration of St Sylvester 

MD 103-4*. 

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