
Friday, December 10, 2021

Notes on the Office for the Third Week of Advent in 2021


This coming week is the third of Advent, and features the feast of St Lucy on Monday.

The liturgy intensifies this week, with the three Ember Days of Advent (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, traditionally days of fasting and abstinence), and from Friday, the start of the 'O' antiphons at Vespers.

All of the days between December 17 and 23 are Class II days: 

  • At Matins there is a proper Invitatory antiphon for the season (Prope est, MB 14).
  • At Lauds to Vespers a set of antiphons for the psalms for each day of the week are used, set out at MD 37*/AM 212 ff.
  • At Lauds the Benedictus antiphons are normally of the relevant Advent day, but there are specific antiphons said on December 21 and 23.
  • At Vespers, the 'O Antiphons' (MD 35-6*/AM 208ff) are sung with the Magnificat, displacing the Magnificat antiphon of the Advent day. 

You can find a summary Ordo for the full month on the blog.  Alternatively, you can purchase the more detailed version from Lulu.


  1. So would Le Barroux have commemorated both Saint Stephen and the Sunday within the octave? Their ordo is silent on the latter but I still wasn’t sure. Thank you and happy Christmas -

  2. Sunday is not commemorated as a feast of Our Lord replaces it totally, so only St Stephen.
