
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Notes on the Office in the fourth week of Advent

For the full Ordo for the week, either buy the detailed version of the Ordo from Lulu or look at the short version on the blog.

In the meantime, just a quick reminder that the day hours from 17 December to 23 December are the most complicated in the Office, so you need to keep your wits about you!

In particular, remember that on these days:

  • the psalms are those of the day of the week (the exception being the feast of St Thomas on December 21);
  • the antiphons for the psalms are of the day of the week in the period December 17-23 (except for Saturday Vespers to Sunday Vespers, which are of the Fourth Sunday of Advent);
  • at Lauds, the Benedictus antiphon is of the day of the week of Advent except on December 21 (of the feast, with a commemoration using the antiphon of the date) and December 23;
  • at Vespers, the Magnificat antiphon is O antiphon of the date; 
  • the variable texts (hymn, chapter, responsory etc) are of the season (Ordinary of Advent);
  • the collect is of the week of Advent (save for at Prime and Compline; on the Ember days; and on the feast of St Thomas).

And here's hoping you have a happy and holy Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. A happy and holy Christmas to you too. Your little blog has been a big help on my spiritual life for the past few years.
