
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ordo notes for November 2022

The notes below provide a guide to the Benedictine Office according to the 1962 calendar and rubrics.  Page references are to the Farnborough editions of the Monastic Diurnal.

A more detailed Ordo can be ordered from Lulu in hardcopy or PDF format.

You can find notes on how to use the Monastic Diurnal and say the Benedictine office on the Learn the Benedictine Office page.


Tues 1 Nov – All Saints, Class I 

MD [331] ff. 

Wed 2 Nov – All Souls, Class I 

MD [337] ff. 

Thurs 3 Nov – Class IV 

Fri 4 Nov – Class IV; St Charles Borromeo, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [344-5]. 

Sat 5 Nov – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady

Lauds to None: Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (129) ff; 1 Vespers of the Third Sunday of November, MD 460*; collect of the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, MD 481*.

Sun 6 Nov – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost /Third Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 481*. 

Mon 7 Nov – Class IV [Benedictine Confederation: St. Willibrord, Optional Memorial] 

Tues 8 Nov – Class IV; The Four Crowned Martyrs, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [345]. 

Wed 9 Nov – Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour (St John Lateran), Class II 

MD (114) ff. 

Thurs 10 Nov– Class IV; St Theodore, Memorial [EF: St Andrew Avellino, Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [346]/AM 1113. 

Fri 11 Nov – St Martin of Tours, Class II [EF: Class III] 

MD [346] ff. 

Sat 12 Nov– Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Mennas, Memorial [EF: St Martin I, Class III; Benedictine Confederation: St Theodore of Studis, Optional Memorial] 

Lauds to None: Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (129) ff; for the commemoration, MD [352-3]; 1 Vespers of the Fourth Sunday of November, MD 460* and Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, MD 482*.

Sun 13 Nov – Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost/Fourth Sunday of November, Class II; Commemoration of All Saints of the Benedictine Order

 MD 482*. 

Mon 14 Nov – All Souls of the Benedictine Order, Class II [EF: St Josaphat, Class III] 

Office of the Dead, MD (163) ff; collect for the feast, MD [360-1]/ SupAnt 153-4. 

Tues 15 Nov – Class IV; St Albert the Great, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [362-3]. 

Wed 16 Nov – Class IV [EF: St Gertrude, Class III] 

Thurs 17 Nov – St Gertrude, Class II (monasteries of nuns)/III [EF: St Gregory Thaumaturgis, Class III] 

MD [363] ff. 

Fri 18 Nov – Dedication of the Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul, Class III 

MD (114) ff. 

Sat 19 Nov – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady [Gower nuns: SS Elizabeth of Hungary and Pontianus, Memorials; EF: St Elizabeth of Hungary, Class III; Benedictine Confederation: St Mechtild, Optional Memorial] 

Lauds to None: Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (129) ff; 1 Vespers of the Fifth Sunday of November, MD 461* and last Sunday after Pentecost, MD 487*.

Sun 20 Nov – Twenty-fourth and last Sunday after Pentecost/Fifth Sunday of November, Class II

 MD 487*. 

Mon 21 Nov – Presentation of the BVM, Class III; St Columba, Memorial 

MD [371] ff. 

Tues 22 Nov – St Caecilia, Class III 

MD [373] ff. 

Wed 23 Nov – St Clement, Class III; St Felicitas, Memorial 

MD [377] ff. 

Thurs 24 Nov – Class IV; SS John of the Cross and Chrysogonus, Memorials [EF: St John of the Cross, Class III; OF/Optional Class III: SS Andrew Dung-Lac and the Vietnamese Martyrs] 

For the commemorations at Lauds, MD [382-3]. 

Fri 25 Nov – Class IV; St Catherine of Alexandria, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [383-4]. 

Saturday 26 November – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Sylvester, Memorial [EF: Class III] 

Matins: Invitatory antiphon, hymn, versicles, absolution, blessings, responsory, chapter and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday; readings and responsories of Saturday in the fifth week of November (combine readings 2&3, omit the responsory between them); third reading of Our Lady, Saturday 4&5 of November. 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (129) /AM 714 ff; for the commemoration, MD [384]/AM 1149. 

Prime: Antiphon of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (131)/AM 715. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (132-3) /AM 715-6. 


1 Vespers of the First Sunday of Advent: Psalms of Saturday with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon, and collect, MD 1*/AM 186 ff. 

Compline: Marian antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater, MD 265-6/AM 173-4 or 178-9 henceforward. 

Sunday 27 November – First Sunday of Advent, Class I

 Matins: Invitatory antiphon (Regem venturum Dominum), hymn (Verbum supernum), antiphons, versicles and canticles of Advent; readings, responsories and collect of the First Sunday of Advent. 

Lauds: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the First Sunday of Advent, MD 4*/AM 187 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 6-7*/AM 187. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the First Sunday of Advent I, MD 7-8*/AM 189-90. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons (of Lauds, omitting the fourth), chapter, responsory, hymn and collect as for 1 Vespers, MD 1*/AM 186 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD 8-9*/AM 190. 

Monday 28 November – Monday in the first week of Advent, Class III 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of Advent week 1 (Monday in first week of Advent). 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 183 ff; Benedictus antiphon, MD 17*/AM 191; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Prime: Antiphon for Advent week I (Antiphon 1 of Sunday Lauds), MD 13*/AM 187. 

Terce to None: Antiphon of Advent week 1; chapter and versicle for Advent, as in the psalter or MD 13* ff; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Vespers: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 15*/AM 181 ff; Magnificat antiphon, MD 17*/AM 191; collect of the Sunday, MD 11*/AM 189.  

Tuesday 29 November– Tuesday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Saturninus, Memorial 

Ordinary of Advent; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 18*/AM 191-2; collect, MD 11*/AM 189; for the commemoration at Lauds (immediately after the collect of the day), MD [385]/AM 753. 

In some monasteries, I Vespers of St Andrew: Psalms of 1 Vespers of Common of Apostles, MD (2), with antiphons (omitting the fourth), chapter and hymn of Lauds of the feast, MD [3] ff; responsory of 2 Vespers, MD [7-8]; versicle and Magnificat antiphon MD [2-3]; collect of the feast, MD [5-6], with a commemoration (Magnificat antiphon, versicle and collect as above) of the Advent day. 

Wednesday 30 November – St Andrew, Class II 

Matins: Three nocturns with invitatory antiphon, hymn, psalms and canticles of the Common of apostles, Liber Responsorialis (LR) 134 ff; antiphons, readings, responsories, Gospel and collect of the feast. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect for the feast, MD [2]/AM 755 ff; commemoration of the Advent day, Benedictus antiphon, MD 18*/AM 192, versicle and collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD [3]/AM 755. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD [6-7]/AM 757-8. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons, chapter and hymn of Lauds; psalms (109, 112, 115, 138) of the Common, MD (13); responsory, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [7-8]/AM 758; commemoration of the Advent day, Magnificat antiphon, MD 18*/AM 192, versicle, MD17*, collect, MD 11*/AM 189.

1 comment:

  1. Kate, are you publishing a Benedictine Ordo for 2023?
