
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Ordo for 2022-2023 liturgical year: coming soon

 Apologies for those who have sent inquiries to me offline; I thought it would be quickest to answer here.

This a quick note to reassure you that the Ordo for the next liturgical year will be available shortly.

Unfortunately I've been seriously ill for the last several months, so my ability to work on it remains intermittent, but I am in the final stages of proofreading, and am hoping to be able to release the PDF/ebook version by early next week, and the print version shortly thereafter.

As an interim measure, the full Ordo notes for December on the blog, but for a sample see below.

Ordo for 2023 features

As in previous years, the Ordo provides detailed notes on where to find texts for the variable parts of the Office each day; that is, it assumes you are familiar with the basic structure of the hours and the default texts set out in the psalter section of an Office book for the traditional Benedictine version of the Office.

The rubrics and calendar used are as for 1962 (as updated by decrees such as Cum Sanctissima), but this year I have included more detailed notes and cross references to feasts and days abolished in the 1950s and 60s that are being revived in many monasteries, such as I Vespers for Class II feasts, vigils, octaves and so forth.

Page references are to the Farnborough editions of the Monastic Diurnal (MD) and Antiphonale Monasticum (AM). **Indicates that texts for the feast are available in the 'some places' supplement at the end of the Diurnal.

Ordo for the first week of Advent



 Saturday 26 November – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Sylvester, Memorial [EF: Class III]

 Matins: Invitatory antiphon, hymn, versicles, absolution, blessings, responsory, chapter and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday; readings and responsories of Saturday in the fifth week of November (combine readings 2&3, omit the responsory between them); third reading of Our Lady, Saturday 4&5 of November.

 Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (129) /AM 714 ff; for the commemoration, MD [384]/AM 1149.

 Prime: Antiphon of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (131)/AM 715.

 Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the Office of Our Lady on Saturday, MD (132-3) /AM 715-6.


1 Vespers of the First Sunday of Advent: Psalms of Saturday with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon, and collect, MD 1*/AM 186 ff. 

Compline: Marian antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater, MD 265-6/AM 173-4 or 178-9 henceforward. 

Sunday 27 November – First Sunday of Advent, Class I

 Matins: Invitatory antiphon (Regem venturum Dominum), hymn (Verbum supernum), antiphons, versicles and canticles of Advent; readings, responsories and collect of the First Sunday of Advent. 

Lauds: Antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect of the First Sunday of Advent, MD 4*/AM 187 ff. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD 6-7*/AM 187. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the First Sunday of Advent I, MD 7-8*/AM 189-90. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons (of Lauds, omitting the fourth), chapter, responsory, hymn and collect as for 1 Vespers, MD 1*/AM 186 ff; versicle and Magnificat antiphon of 2 Vespers, MD 8-9*/AM 190. 

Monday 28 November – Monday in the first week of Advent, Class III 

Matins: Ordinary of Advent (Invitatory, hymn, versicles and chapter) with three readings of Advent week 1 (Monday in first week of Advent). 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 9*/AM 183 ff; Benedictus antiphon, MD 17*/AM 191; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Prime: Antiphon for Advent week I (Antiphon 1 of Sunday Lauds), MD 13*/AM 187. 

Terce to None: Antiphon of Advent week 1; chapter and versicle for Advent, as in the psalter or MD 13* ff; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Vespers: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Advent, MD 15*/AM 181 ff; Magnificat antiphon, MD 17*/AM 191; collect of the Sunday, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Tuesday 29 November – Tuesday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Saturninus, Memorial 

Ordinary of Advent; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 18*/AM 191-2; collect, MD 11*/AM 189; for the commemoration at Lauds (immediately after the collect of the day), MD [385]/AM 753. 

In some monasteries, I Vespers of St Andrew: Psalms of 1 Vespers of Common of Apostles, MD (2), with antiphons (omitting the fourth), chapter and hymn of Lauds of the feast, MD [3] ff; responsory of 2 Vespers, MD [7-8]; versicle and Magnificat antiphon MD [2-3]; collect of the feast, MD [5-6], with a commemoration (Magnificat antiphon, versicle and collect as above) of the Advent day.

 Wednesday 30 November – St Andrew, Class II 

Matins: Three nocturns with invitatory antiphon, hymn, psalms and canticles of the Common of apostles, Liber Responsorialis (LR) 134 ff; antiphons, readings, responsories, Gospel and collect of the feast. 

Lauds: Festal psalms with antiphons, chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Benedictus antiphon and collect for the feast, MD [2]/AM 755 ff; commemoration of the Advent day, Benedictus antiphon, MD 18*/AM 192, versicle and collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Prime: Antiphon 1 of Lauds, MD [3]/AM 755. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter, versicle and collect of the feast, MD [6-7]/AM 757-8. 

2 Vespers: Antiphons, chapter and hymn of Lauds; psalms (109, 112, 115, 138) of the Common, MD (13); responsory, versicle, Magnificat antiphon and collect of the feast, MD [7-8]/AM 758; commemoration of the Advent day, Magnificat antiphon, MD 18*/AM 192, versicle, MD17*, collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 


 Thursday 1 December – Thursday in the first week of Advent, Class III [In some places: **Blessed Richard, Hugo, John and Companions, Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 18*/AM 193; collect, MD 11*/AM 189. 

Friday 2 December – Friday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Peter Chrysologus, Memorial [EF: St Bibiana, Class III] 

Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of the Advent day; antiphons (Prime to None) of Sunday/week I; canticle antiphons at Lauds and Vespers, MD 19*/AM 193-4; collect, MD 11*/AM 189; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [8-9]/AM 759. 

Saturday 3 December – Saturday in the first week of Advent, Class III; St Francis Xavier, Memorial [EF: Class III; **In some places: Class I] 

Matins to None: Ordinary of Advent; Matins readings of Saturday in the first week of Advent; collect (Sunday I), MD 11*/AM 189; canticle antiphons at Lauds, MD 19*/AM 194; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [9]/AM 759. 

I Vespers of the Second Sunday of Advent, MD 19*/AM 194 ff (Psalms of Saturday, antiphons, chapter and collect of Sunday Advent 2, hymn and short responsory from the Ordinary of Advent).


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