August 2025

This Ordo provides a calendar for the liturgical year to aid those saying the Benedictine Office for those familiar with the rubrics of the Benedictine Office.  It can be used in conjunction to the Quick start guide to the Monastic Diurnal.

Those less familiar with the Office, or looking for other supporting material, should consult the more detailed version of this Ordo available through Lulu, the How to say the Benedictine Office notes on the Saints Will Arise blog.

In addition, an English translation of the rubrics can be obtained from Libri Sancti Press.


Com: Commemoration (used for either a feast rated as a memorial, or where a feast or other day displaces another feast or day (such as during Advent and Lent). 

Default collect: The collect used at all hours other than Prime and Compline (which have their own fixed collect), except where displaced by a feast or higher level day. 

 ff: And following pages.

 L&V: Lauds and Vespers

 MD: Monastic Diurnal (St Michael’s, Farnborough editions 2005 - ). 


The Office between August and November

 From the first Sunday of August onwards, the Matins readings in Nocturns I & II of Sunday are of the calendar month, rather than continuing the readings from the books of Kings, while those for Nocturn III are of the Sunday. The Magnificat antiphon for Saturday Vespers follows the Matins reading cycle, hence is found in a separate section of the temporale to the collect for the relevant Sunday.

 Under 1960 rubrics, the readings for commence on the first actual Sunday of the relevant month.  The previous practice, however, dating from (at least) the eighth century, was to start from the Sunday closest to the start of the relevant month, resulting in different numbers of Sundays for each of the months from August to November compared to the 1960 calendar in most years.  The number of the Sunday (and associated shift in the week of the September Ember Days) that was previously used are indicated in the notes below.  Note that in 2025, the numbering of the Sundays is identical in the two systems for the first four weeks of August and from October 19 onwards. 



Seventh week after Pentecost. 

Ordinary of time throughout the year (in the psalter section), default collect, MD 467*.

 Sunday 27 July Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Class II, 466-7*. 

Monday 28 July Class IV. 

Tuesday 29 July Class IV; com of SS Felix, Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice at Lauds, MD [207-8]. 

Wednesday 30 July Class IV; com of SS Abdon and Sennen at Lauds, MD [208]. 

Thursday 31 July St Ignatius, Class III, MD [209]. 

Friday 1 August Class IV; com of The Holy Maccabees at Lauds, MD [209-10]. 

Saturday 2 August Class IV; of Our Lady; com of St Alphonsus Mary de Liguori at Lauds, MD [210]. 1 Vespers of the 1st Sunday of August, MD 451*/8th after Pentecost, MD 467-8*.

Eighth week after Pentecost/First week of August. 

Ordinary of time throughout the year (in the psalter section), default collect, MD 467-8*. 

Sunday 3 August Eighth Sunday after Pentecost/First Sunday of August, Class II, MD 467-8*. 

Monday 4 August St Dominic, Class III, MD [211]. 

Tuesday 5 August Class IV; com of the Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows at Lauds, MD [211-2]. 

Wednesday 6 August Transfiguration of Our Lord, Class II, MD [212] ff. 

Thursday 7 August – Class IV; com of SS Sixtus II, Felicissimus and Agapitus at Lauds, MD [219]. 

Friday 8 August Class IV; com of St Cyriacus at Lauds, MD [219-20]. 

Saturday 9 August of Our Lady, Class IV. 1 Vespers of the 2nd Sunday of August, MD 451*/9th after Pentecost, MD 469*.

Ninth week after Pentecost/Second week of August. 

Ordinary of throughout the year, collect, MD 469*. 

Sunday 10 August Ninth Sunday after Pentecost/2nd Sunday of August, Class II, MD 468-9*; com of St Lawrence at Lauds, MD [223]. 

Monday 11 August Class IV; com of St Tiburtius at Lauds, MD [227-8]. 

Tuesday 12 August Class IV; com of St Clare at Lauds, MD [228].

Wednesday 13 August Class IV; com of SS Pontianus and Hippolytus at Lauds, MD [228-9]. 

Thursday 14 August Vigil (and 1 Vespers) of the Assumption, Class II, MD [229] ff. 

Friday 15 August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Class I, MD [233] ff. 

Saturday 16 August – Class IV; of Our Lady. 1 Vespers of the 3rd Sunday of August/10th after Pentecost, MD 451* & 470*.

Tenth week after Pentecost/Third week of August. 

Ordinary of time throughout the year (in the psalter section), default collect, MD 470*. 

Sunday 17 August Tenth Sunday after Pentecost/3rd Sunday of August, Class I, MD 469-70*. 

Monday 18 August – Class IV; com of St Agapitus at Lauds, MD [245]. 

Tuesday 19 August Class IV. 

Wednesday 20 August St Bernard, Class III, MD [245-6]/AM 1020. 

Thursday 21 August Class IV; com of St Bernard Ptolemy at Lauds, MD [249]. 

Friday 22 August Class IV; com of St Timothy at Lauds, MD [250]/AM 1023. 

Saturday 23 August – Class IV; of Our Lady. 1 Vespers of the 4th Sunday of August/11th after Pentecost: MD 452* & 471*.

Eleventh week after Pentecost/Fourth week of August. 

Ordinary of time throughout the year (in the psalter section), default collect, MD 471*. 

Sunday 24 August Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost/4th Sunday of August, Class II, MD 470-1*; Com of St Bartholomew at Lauds, MD [250]. 

Monday 25 August Class IV. 

Tuesday 26 August Class IV. 

Wednesday 27 August Class IV. 

Thursday 28 August St Augustine of Hippo, Class III; com of St Hermes at Lauds, MD [251]. 

Friday 29 August Beheading of St John the Baptist, Class III, MD [252] ff. 

Saturday 30 August – Class IV; of Our Lady; com of SS Felix and Adauctus at Lauds, MD [257]. 1 Vespers of the 5th Sunday of August/12th after Pentecost, MD 452* & 472*.

Twelfth week after Pentecost/Fifth week of August. 

Ordinary of time throughout the year (in the psalter section), default collect, MD 472*. 

Sunday 31 August Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost/Fifth Sunday of August, Class II, MD 471-2*. 

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