
The Office in February 2024, according to the 1962 rubrics, takes in the seasons of Septuagesimatide and Lent. 

Page numbers are for the Nocturnale Monasticum Latin only edition published by Le Barroux (NM); Monastic Diurnal published by St Michael's Abbey (MD) and the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum. 

More detailed notes, including cross-references to the calendars for the Extraordinary Form Mass, selected national calendars, and calendars of selected monasteries, can be obtained by purchasing the Ordo in paperback or PDF form through Lulu..


 Thursday 1 February – St Ignatius of Antioch, Class III

 Of the feast, MD [46]/AM 800.

 Friday 2 February – Purification of the BVM, Class II

 Of the feast, MD [49]/AM 802 ff. 

3 February – Class IV; Saturday of Our Lady; St Blase, Memorial 

Lauds to None: Office of Our Lady on Saturday (throughout the year), MD (129)/AM 714 ff; for thecommemoration at Lauds, MD [52]/AM 805. 

1 Vespers of Sexagesima Sunday, MD 162*/AM 318 ff. 

4 February – Sexagesima Sunday, Class II

 MD 164*/AM 319 ff. 

Monday 5 February – St Agatha, Class III 

MD [52]/AM 807 ff. 

Tuesday 6 February – Class IV 

All as in the psalter (for throughout the year and the season of Septuagesima, including ‘Laus tibi’ in opening prayers; collect, MD 167*/AM 321; at Vespers, Magnificat antiphon MD 170*/AM 324. 

Wednesday 7 February – St Romuald, Class III 

MD (78)/AM 672 ff. 

Thursday 8 February – Class IV 

Magnificat antiphon MD 171*/AM 325. 

Friday 9 February – Class IV 

Magnificat antiphon MD 171*/AM 325. 

If the feast of St Scholastica is Class I: 1 Vespers of St Scholastica,MD [59]/AM 812 ff. 

Saturday 10 February – St Scholastica, Class II 

All of the feast, with a commemoration of the following Sunday at Vespers. 

11 February – Quinquagesima Sunday, Class II

 MD 173*/AM 326 ff. 

Monday 12 February – Class IV 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year and season of Septuagesima with collect, MD 176*/AM 328; at Vespers, Magnificat antiphon MD 179*/AM 331-2. 

Tuesday 13 February – Class IV 

Canticle antiphons and collects, MD 173*/AM 326 ff. 

14 February – Ash Wednesday, Class I

[The feast of St Valentine is not marked in the Office this year.]

All as in the psalter for Wednesday throughout the year and the season of Septuagesima, except for the Canticle antiphons and collect, MD 180*/AM 332-3. 


The Office between Ash Wednesday and the First Sunday of Lent


Ash Wednesday marks the official start of Lent.  The Office however, continues to be said as during the season of Septuagesima, with the following modifications: 

·         there are Patristic readings at Matins;

·         there are canticle antiphons for Lauds and Vespers each day of the week; and

·         two collects are provided for each day, the first used from Matins to None (omitting Prime), the second at Vespers only.

15 February – Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Class III 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year and season of Septuagesima; with versicles, canticle antiphons and collects, MD 181-2*/AM 333-4. 

16 February – Friday after Ash Wednesday, Class III 

MD 182-3*/AM 334-5. 

17 February – Saturday after Ash Wednesday, Class III 

Lauds to None: MD 183*/AM 335. 

1 Vespers of the First Sunday of Lent: MD 184* ff/AM 340. 

The Office during Lent

 From Monday following the First Sunday of Lent:

·         The antiphons, hymns (at Matins, Lauds and Vespers) and other texts on weekdays are those of the 'ordinary of Lent', to be found in the 'of time' section of Office books (NM 224-5/MD 190* ff);

·         At Lauds and Vespers, the chapters, hymns, responsory and versicle of the Ordinary of Lent replace those in the psalter section, and the canticle antiphons are proper for each day;

·         At Prime the antiphon is of Lent;

·         At Terce to None the antiphon and chapter is of the season of Lent;

·         Each day there are two sets of collects: the first for use from Matins to None; the second for Vespers; and

·         When a feast displaces the Lent texts, a commemoration of the day is made at both Lauds and Vespers using the relevant canticle antiphon, versicle of the season and hour, and the collect of the hour of the Lent day. 

Under the 1960 rubrics, Class III feasts are reduced to a commemoration at Lauds only.  However, the decree Cum Sanctissima grants permission for these to be said as Class III feasts on an optional basis.  

18 February – First Sunday of Lent, Class I

 MD 186*/AM 341 ff. 

19 February – Monday in the first week of Lent, Class III 

Lauds: Chapter, responsory, hymn and versicle of the Ordinary of Lent, MD 190*/AM 338 ff; Benedictus antiphon and collect of the day, MD 195*/AM 346. 

Prime: Antiphon for the season (Vivo ego) as noted in the psalter. 

Terce to None: Antiphon, chapter and versicle of Lent as noted in the psalter; collect of Lauds, MD 195*/AM 346. 

Vespers: Chapter, responsory and hymn of the Ordinary of Lent, MD 193*/AM 336 ff; Magnificat antiphon and collect, MD 195-6*/AM 346. 

20 February – Tuesday in the first week of Lent, Class III 

Canticle antiphons and collects, MD 196*/AM 347. 

21 February – Ember Wednesday of Lent, Class II 

Canticle antiphons and collects, MD 197*/AM 348. 

Thursday 22 February – Chair of St Peter, Memorial/Optional Class III 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [69]. 

23 February – Ember Friday of Lent, Class II; St Peter Damian, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [73]/AM 827. 

24 February – Ember Saturday of Lent, Class II 

Lauds to None: Ordinary of Lent, MD 190*/AM 336 ff; Benedictus antiphon and collect, MD 199*/AM 351. 

1 Vespers of the Second Sunday of Lent, MD 199*/AM 351 ff. 

25 February – Second Sunday of Lent, Class I

[The feast of St Matthias is not marked in the Office this year under the 1960 rubrics.]

MD 201*/AM 352 ff. 

26 February – Monday in the second week of Lent, Class III 

27 February Tuesday in the second week of Lent, Class III 

28 February Wednesday in the second week of Lent, Class III 

29 February – Thursday in the second week of Lent, Class III 

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