Ordo for January 2024

The notes below provide a guide to the day hours for the Monastic Office as set out in the Monastic Diurnal (MD) and Antiphonale Monasticum (AM), according to the 1960 rubrics and General Calendar for the Benedictine Confederation.

More detailed notes, including Matins, cross-references to the calendars for the Extraordinary Form Mass, selected national calendars, and calendars of selected monasteries, can be obtained by purchasing the Ordo in PDF or paperback form through Lulu.



 Monday 1 January – Octave Day of the Nativity (Circumcision of the Lord), Class I 

All of the feast, MD 108*/AM 271 ff.  

The Office during Nativitytide – January 2-5

Between January 2 and None on January 5 the Office is of Nativitytide. 

In earlier versions of the Office, the days between January 2 and 5 were either the feast of the Holy Name (which fell either on the Sunday between the Circumcision and Epiphany, or January 2) and the Octave Days of SS Stephen, John and the Holy Innocents. To fill in the gap created by the abolition of the octaves, the texts for the Ordinary of Nativitytide are taken from the feast of the Circumcision, and can be found at NM 105/MD 119*/AM 273 ff. 

Tuesday 2 January – Class IV 

Ordinary of the Nativity, MD 119*/AM 273 ff. 

Wednesday 3 January – Class IV 

Ordinary of the Nativity, MD 119*/AM 273 ff. 

Thursday 4 January Class IV; St Titus, Memorial 

Ordinary of the Nativity; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD 125-6*/AM 285. 

Friday 5 January – Class IV 

Ordinary of the Nativity, MD 119*/AM 273 ff. 

Saturday 6 January – Epiphany of Our Lord, Class I

 All of the feast, with no commemoration of the Sunday at Vespers, MD 129*/AM 290 ff.  

The Office in Epiphanytide/Octave of the Epiphany (Jan 7 – 12)

 The season of Epiphanytide In the 1960 calendar replaces the former Octave of the Epiphany, but preserves the texts formerly used as part of the Octave. The Ordinary of Epiphanytide can be found at NM 123/MD 119* ff. The canticle antiphons, which come from the former Octave, are labelled day 2, day 3, etc, and are used in their numerical sequence, ignoring the Sunday (and Saturday of Our Lady and other feasts where they occur. 

In places where the Octave is said, Sunday aside, at Lauds to Vespers, all is said as on the feast day, except for the collect (after the Sunday) and the canticle antiphons (which are of the day within the Octave, ignoring the Sunday.  

 7 January – First Sunday after Epiphany (Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany), Class II

Festal psalms at Lauds; MD 142*/AM 302 ff. 

Monday 8 January – Class IV 

Ordinary of Epiphanytide, MD 133*/AM 292 ff; canticle antiphons for Day II, MD 135*/AM 297-8; collect (of the First Sunday after Epiphany), MD 144*/AM 302. 

Tuesday 9 January Class IV 

Canticle antiphons of Day III 

Wednesday 10 January – Class IV; St Paul the First Hermit, Memorial 

Canticle antiphons for Day IV 

Thursday 11 January – Class IV 

Canticle antiphons for Day V 

Friday 12 January 

Canticle antiphons for Day VI 

Saturday 13 January – Commemoration of Our Lord’s Baptism (Octave Day of the Epiphany), Class II 

All as for the feast of the Epiphany, MD 129*/AM 290 ff with collect of the feast, MD 140*/AM 304.  No commemoration of the Sunday at Vespers. 


The Office during time throughout the year during ‘winter’

 From January 14 until Septuagesima, the Office uses the default texts set out in the psalter section of the Diurnal or Breviary for ‘time throughout the year’.  At Lauds the hymn is Aeterne rerum Conditor.

14 January – Second Sunday after Epiphany, Class II

 [The feasts of SS Hilary and Felix are not marked in the Office this year.]

All as in the psalter (at Lauds, hymn Aeterne rerum Conditor henceforward); canticle antiphons and collect, MD 146-7*/AM 306. 

Monday 15 January – Class IV 

All as in the psalter for time throughout the year with collect of the Sunday, MD 147*/AM 306. 

Tuesday 16 January – Class IV; St Marcellus I, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [25]/AM 783. 

Wednesday 17 January – St Antony, Class III 

At Lauds and Vespers, Chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle and canticle antiphons of the Common of a Confessor, MD (78)/AM 672 ff; collect of the feast, MD [26]/AM 783; at Prime to None, antiphons (and chapter and versicle for Terce to None) of the Common. 

Thursday 18 January – Class IV 

Friday 19 January – Class IV; SS Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abachum, Memorial 

Saturday 20 January – SS Fabian and Sebastian, Class III 

Lauds: Psalms and antiphons of the day; rest of the Common of Several Martyrs, MD (43)/AM 648; collect of the feast, MD [27]/AM 784. Prime to None::Antiphons etc of the Common of Several Martyrs.

1 Vespers of Third Sunday after Epiphany, MD 148*/AM 307. 

21 January – Third Sunday after Epiphany, Class II; St Agnes, Commemoration (where St Agnes is Class II) [**In some places, St Meinrad, Class I]

[Where St Agnes is Class III, the feast is not marked in the Office this year.]

All as in the psalter for Sunday, with canticle antiphons and collect of the Sunday, MD 148-9*/AM 307.  Where St Agnes is Class II (monasteries of nuns): at Lauds for the commemoration, Benedictus antiphon, versicle and collect, MD [29-30]/AM 787-8. 

Monday 22 January – Class IV; St Vincent, Memorial 

All as in the psalter for throughout the year; collect, MD 148*/AM 307; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [34]/AM 789. 

Tuesday 23 January – Class IV; St Emerentiana, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [35]/AM 790. 

Wednesday 24 January – Class IV; St Timothy, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [35–6]/AM 790. 

Thursday 25 January – Conversion of St Paul, Class III 

All of the feast, MD [36]/AM 792 ff.  

Friday 26 January – Class IV; St Polycarp, Memorial  

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [42-3]/AM 797. 

Saturday 27 January – St John Chrysostom, Class III 

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the day; rest of the Common of a Confessor Bishop, MD (64)/AM 659 ff; collect of the feast, MD [43]/AM 797.

Prime to None: Antiphons etc of the Common, MD (64)/AM 657. 


The Office during Septuagesimatide


During the three weeks of Septuagesimatide, most of the texts used remain the default texts for throughout the year. The key changes to the Office during this period are that: 

·         The alleluia is solemnly 'buried' with extra alleluias added to the close of the Office of I Vespers of Septuagesima Sunday and thereafter the word alleluia is no longer used in the Office. In the opening prayers of the Office, the alleluia is replaced by 'Laus tibi Domine, Rex aeternae gloriae';

·         At Lauds to None on Sundays the alleluia antiphons are replaced by antiphons specific to each of the three Sundays, with three sets of antiphons used during the day hours, for Lauds, Prime to None, and the ‘throughout the year’ antiphons at Vespers; and

·         At Vespers there are antiphons for each day of the relevant Septuagesimatide week for the Magnificat.

1 Vespers of Septuagesima Sunday: Psalms and antiphons of Saturday; chapter, responsory, hymn, versicle, Magnificat antiphon, collect and concluding versicle with alleluias, MD 153-4*/AM 311. 

28 January – Septuagesima Sunday, Class II

 [The feast of St Cyril is not marked in the Office this year.]

MD 154*/AM 312 ff. 

Monday 29 January – Class IV; St Francis de Sales, Memorial 

All as in the psalter (for throughout the year and the season of Septuagesima, including ‘Laus tibi’ in opening prayers; collect, MD 157-8*/AM 313; for the commemoration at Lauds, MD [44–5]/AM 798-9; at Vespers, Magnificat antiphon, MD 161*/AM 316-7. 

Tuesday 30 January – Class IV 

Magnificat antiphon MD 161*/AM 317. 

Wednesday 31 January – Class IV; St John Bosco, Memorial 

For the commemoration at Lauds, MD [45-6]/SupAnt 35; at Vespers, Magnificat antiphon MD 161*/AM 317.

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