Some time ago I put together summary pages of my notes on assorted feasts and saints for each month of the year. The old posts are rather out of date though, so herewith an updated version.
St Fulgentius of Ruspe (d533)
St Eugendus, Abbot of Condat (d 510)
St Thomas of Canterbury (Thomas a Becket), bishop & martyr (In some places)
Pre-1960 calendar
Octave Day of St Stephen (pre 1960)
3 January
Pre-1960 calendar
St Elizabeth Anne Seton (in some places)
Octave Day of the Holy Innocents
Octave Day of the Holy Innocents
5 January
St John Neumann (in some places)
Pre 1960 calendar:
Once was..and sort of is again...vigil of the Epiphany
Saints of the martyrology: SS Telesphorus, Apollinaris, Emiliana
6 January
Feast of the Epiphany
More on the Epiphany
Twelfth Day
Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday after Epiphany or Holy Family?
Pick your feast
7 January – Class IV
Still Christmastide... But not the Octave of the Epiphany!
8 January
Not the third day of the Octave
St Wulsin OSB
9 January
Not the fourth day within the Octave
Monastic saints of interest:
SS Julian and Basilissa
10 January
St Paul the first hermit, confessor (memorial)
Pre 1960: Not the fifth day in the Octave of the Epiphany
SS Julian and Basilissa
10 January
St Paul the first hermit, confessor (memorial)
Pre 1960: Not the fifth day in the Octave of the Epiphany
Monastic saints of note:
St Peter Orseleo OSB
St Gregory of Nyssa (Benedictine Confederation 1975 calendar)
11 January
Pre-1960: Not the sixth day in the Octave of the Epiphany
12 January
Monastic saints of note:
St Peter Orseleo OSB
St Gregory of Nyssa (Benedictine Confederation 1975 calendar)
11 January
Pre-1960: Not the sixth day in the Octave of the Epiphany
12 January
Monastic saints of note:
St Benedict Biscop OSB - English Congregation
St Margaret Bourgeoys (Canada)
13 January
Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord Class II
14 January
St Hilary of Poitiers, bishop and doctor (Memorial)
St Felix Nola (memorial)
15 January
Pre-1960/in some places: St Maurus
Our Lady of Prompt Succor (in some places)
SS Maurus and Placid, disciples of St Benedict (Benedictine Confederation 1975 calendar; 5 October in the 1962 calendar)
16 January
St Marcellus I (Memorial)
Monastic saints of note:
St Honorius of Fondi
17 January
St Antony, abbot (Cl III)
18 January
Pre-1960: St Prisca
St Honorius of Fondi
17 January
St Antony, abbot (Cl III)
18 January
Pre-1960: St Prisca
19 January
SS Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abachum, martyrs (Memorial)
St Wulfstan OSB (wiki) (English Congregation)
20 January
St Fabian (Pope) and St Sebastian, martyrs Cl III
21 January
St Agnes virgin and martyr (Class II/III)
St Meinrad OSB (in some places)
22 January
St Vincent of Saragosa (memorial) and St Anastasius
St Peter's Chair (in some places)
23 January
St Emerenthiana (memorial)
24 January
St Timothy, bishop & martyr (Memorial)
25 January
Conversion of St Paul (Class III)
From the martyrology: St Poppo OSB
26 January
St Polycarp, bishop and martyr (Memorial)
23 January
St Emerenthiana (memorial)
24 January
St Timothy, bishop & martyr (Memorial)
25 January
Conversion of St Paul (Class III)
From the martyrology: St Poppo OSB
26 January
St Polycarp, bishop and martyr (Memorial)
St Bathildis (wiki), Queen of France (Le Barroux)
From the martyrology: St Paula
St. Robert, St. Alberic and St. Stephen, Abbots of Citeaux (New Clairvaux website) - Optional Memorial (Benedictine Confederation 1975 calendar)
27 January
St John Chrysostom, bishop, confessor & doctor Matins reading on the saint Cl III
28 January
St Cyril of Alexandria, bishop, confessor, doctor Matins reading (Memorial)
29 January
St Frances de Sales, bishop, confessor, doctor Matins reading (Roman Office) (Memorial)
30 January
St Adelgundis OSB